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Resin veneers: what to expect over time?
Aesthetic Dentistry: discover how to transform your smile If you've come this far, it's because you're considering resin veneers to improve your smile and would like to understand more about this treatment, so be sure to read everything we've written on this subject until the end. We want you to have
Pericoronitis: what it is, causes and treatment
Find out what pericoronitis is, its causes and how to treat it. Know the symptoms and know when to look for a dentist. Read more in the article below.
The Importance of Dental Check-up: Know what is part of it and prevent oral problems
Find out why dental check-up is essential for oral health and which procedures are part of this preventive exam. Read now and avoid dental problems in the future.
When a fixed partial denture is the solution: understand more about the treatment
A fixed partial denture is a solution for those who have lost one or more teeth. But in what cases is it indicated? Find out how treatment can help you regain your self-esteem.
The importance of cleaning the tongue to prevent oral diseases
Cleaning your tongue properly is key to maintaining good oral health, preventing oral disease, and improving your overall health. Read more on the Odonto Liuzzi clinic blog.
Cosmetic Dentistry: discover how to transform your smile
Get to know Aesthetic Dentistry and learn how it can help make your smile more beautiful and harmonic. Check out tips and treatments to have perfect teeth.
Mouth salivating a lot: understand the possible causes and treatments
Excessive watering of the mouth can be a sign of several oral health problems. Learn more about possible causes and treatments for this symptom.
Fear of the Dentist has a Name: Odontophobia
Are you afraid of Dentist? This is Odontophobia! We will explain here why it happens and how to overcome it.
Porcelain veneers – Is it worth it?
Discover now the advantages and disadvantages of Porcelain Veneers