
dental implant

Painless dental implants are possible! know more

A evolução da odontologia nas últimas décadas transformou radicalmente os procedimentos relacionados a implantes dentais, tornando-os praticamente indolores e amplamente acessíveis.  Esta transformação é resultado do avanço em técnicas de anestesia, métodos cirúrgicos minimamente invasivos e cuidados pós-operatórios eficazes.  A Odonto Liuzzi, clínica implante dentário, se destaca nesse cenário, oferecendo

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dental contact lenses

What is the difference between dental contact lenses and veneers?

Quando se trata de transformar sorrisos, as lentes de contato dental e as facetas estão entre as opções mais populares na odontologia estética.  Ambas oferecem soluções eficazes para melhorar a aparência dos dentes, mas possuem diferenças significativas em termos de aplicação, materiais, durabilidade, impacto estético, e adequação para cada paciente.

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Myths and truths about wear: porcelain veneers and resin veneers

When considering dental treatments such as dental veneers, many doubts and misconceptions arise regarding tooth wear during treatment and the materials used, such as porcelain and resin. In this blog, we will unravel the myths and clarify the truth behind the wear and tear associated with this procedure. Check out! Myths about

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Dental check-up and hygiene habits to prevent diseases

How to Avoid Dental Problems with Preventative Care Hello! Let's talk about an essential part of caring for the health of your teeth: preventive dental check-ups. Have you ever imagined that this appointment is not just another part of your medical routine, but rather a way to prevent oral problems? The consultation

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Resin veneers: what to expect over time?

Aesthetic Dentistry: discover how to transform your smile If you've come this far, it's because you're considering resin veneers to improve your smile and would like to understand more about this treatment, so be sure to read everything we've written on this subject until the end. We want you to have

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