
The image shows a woman wearing dental contact lenses.

Do you need to wear your teeth to wear dental contact lenses?

What you will find in this article: When is it necessary to wear teeth? The advantages of dental contact lenses Natural aesthetics Minimally invasive Durability Correction of imperfections Post-application care Application procedure Renew your smile with Dental Contact Lenses at OdontoLiuzzi There are many myths

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The image shows an example of a woman preparing to have a dental veneer applied.

Resin veneers: pros and cons

What you will find in this article: What are resin veneers? What do they fix? Main benefits of the procedure Affordable cost Quick procedure Minimization of tooth wear Customizable aesthetics Reversibility Pros and cons of resin veneers Pros: Cons: Transform your smile with resin veneers in

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dental tourism

Dental tourism: do you know what it is?

Dental tourism, or health tourism focused on dental treatments, is a growing trend that combines international travel with dental care. Many people around the world are choosing to travel to destinations where dental procedures are more accessible or have a higher quality, making this phenomenon a

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Image of dental prosthesis mold

Protocol prosthesis: indications and contraindications

Did you know that prosthetic treatment protocol is one of the most effective for tooth replacement? It delivers a quality result and promotes the patient's oral rehabilitation, both aesthetically and functionally. The dental protocol prosthesis has precise indications and contraindications and knowing them helps to

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Image of woman smiling with beautiful teeth

Know the difference between resin veneer and porcelain veneer

Resin veneers and porcelain veneers are highly effective ways to achieve a perfect smile, with a uniform color, size and shape. As they perform the same function, the patient often has a question: after all, what is the difference between resin veneers and porcelain veneers? Here, you discover

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