The benefits of cosmetic dentistry for self-esteem

Dentist making dental contact lenses
Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

Did you know that cosmetic dentistry has a positive impact on self-esteem? This happens because it improves the patient's smile, making them feel more secure and confident in their image.

Therefore, it is an investment that pays off a lot, especially if you dream of having a perfect, bright smile with aligned, harmonious teeth. 

Below, you will discover details about the benefits of cosmetic dentistry for self-esteem, as well as the main treatments you can undergo. Let's go together?

What is aesthetic dentistry?

Initially, it is essential to know what aesthetic dentistry is. This is a specialty dedicated to improving the appearance of the patient's teeth, through solutions that correct imperfections.

Aesthetic dental treatments may involve, for example, correction of color, shape and size of teeth, space between them or lack of natural teeth. 

By performing them, the patient guarantees a perfect smile aesthetically and functionally speaking. This has a positive impact on the patient's self-esteem, who begins to have more confidence in themselves.

Benefits of aesthetic dentistry to self-esteem

Dental aesthetic treatments provide unique benefits for the patient. Below, we present the main ones so that you know and understand the importance of carrying them out:

1. Improves the appearance of your smile

If you dream of having the perfect smile, aesthetic dentistry is a powerful ally. No wonder, after all, it improves the appearance of the smile in general, ensuring a look without a yellowish tone or differences in size and shape.

2. More self-confidence

With the smile they always dreamed of, the patient begins to have more self-confidence and likes themselves more. Furthermore, you can smile easily, which has a positive impact on personal and professional relationships, creating good impressions.

3. Contribution to facial rejuvenation

There are aesthetic dentistry treatments that contribute to facial rejuvenation, especially those involving tooth replacement, yellowing and orofacial harmonization.

4. Improved self-esteem and quality of life

With the improvement of the smile, both functionally and aesthetically, the patient gains self-esteem and a better quality of life, starting to feel better about themselves. In addition, you gain greater capacity for social adaptation.

5. Motivation to take care of your teeth and smile

By achieving a beautiful smile, the patient feels more motivated to maintain it. This is an important benefit, as it contributes to the preservation of oral and general health, as well as maintaining a good quality of life.

What cosmetic dentistry treatments can you have?

Dental aesthetics encompasses a series of procedures that make it possible to have a charming and beautiful smile. And what specifically can you do? Below we present some of the main ones:

Tooth whitening

Aesthetic dentistry procedure whose purpose is to eliminate the yellow color of the teeth, brightening the smile. There are two options: home teeth whitening and in-office teeth whitening.

Both types deliver equal results, the difference is mainly in the time in which they appear. The home version of the treatment usually takes weeks to achieve the desired result. In the case of in-office whitening, the period is just a few sessions.

In home whitening, the patient himself applies the whitening product, using it for the period indicated by the dentist in Rio de Janeiro. In the in-office version, the dentist applies the whitening active ingredient in a higher concentration and may use a laser, which speeds up the whitening process.

Dental contact lens and dental veneers

These are aesthetic dental treatments that correct imperfections in the size, shape and color of natural teeth. The main difference between the two is the thickness of the prostheses: the facets are slightly more robust while the lenses are thinner.

This characteristic directly influences the results of the treatment. In general, dental veneers are best suited for problems that are difficult to correct, as they offer greater coverage.

esthetic orthodontics

Aesthetic orthodontics aims to correct anomalies involving the position of the teeth, managing to align them. In addition, it corrects the patient's bite, relieving pain in the jaw during chewing.

These corrections occur through the use of orthodontic appliances, which can be fixed or mobile (normally transparent and invisible, avoiding the famous metallic smile). It is a long-term treatment, which can last months or years, depending on the patient's case.

Dental implant and prosthesis protocol

Dental implants and protocol prostheses are treatments that aim at oral rehabilitation, with the replacement of natural teeth lost for any reason. This way, it is possible to restore oral functions to the patient and improve the aesthetics of their smile.

Both treatments are different, but they complement each other! The implant, for example, is aimed at replacing the tooth root. It is a piece made of biocompatible material, which is placed on the patient's gum bone.

It is on the dental implant that the protocol prosthesis is placed, which replaces the natural tooth. It can be made of resin or porcelain, ensuring a natural smile.

What is the best cosmetic dentistry treatment?

All aesthetic dentistry treatments are perfect for transforming the patient’s smile! The best alternative for you depends largely on your goals and what you want to correct.

Therefore, only a dentist specialized in aesthetics is able to analyze your case, raise your complaints and indicate which treatments are best to deliver exactly what you are looking for. 

Therefore, do not give up consulting a specialist in aesthetic dentistry, including carrying out the treatment with a qualified professional. This way, you increase the chance of having an incredible result, which truly guarantees your satisfaction.

Dentist specializing in aesthetic dentistry in Rio de Janeiro

OdontoLiuzzi is the clinic aesthetic dentistry ideal for taking care of your smile! We have a highly qualified and updated team, as well as providing humanized service, with personalized treatments. 

Take the opportunity to schedule an appointment with a dentist in Rio de Janeiro at our clinic and take care of your smile with a specialist, achieving excellent results! 

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