Dental Implant Surgery: What It Is, How It Works, and When Is It Necessary

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Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

Dental implant surgery requires good planning by an experienced professional to ensure the best aesthetic and functional results.

Dental Implant Surgery: What It Is, How It Works, and When Is It Necessary

Dental implant surgery is becoming more and more popular because it is a definitive treatment to replace missing teeth, and its functional and aesthetic results are of high quality.

Many people are still afraid to undergo treatment because it is a specialty that uses surgery. But nowadays there are many technological resources that guarantee safety and total comfort for the patient.

To put an end to these fears, we created this very complete article to clear all your doubts. In it we present what happens before the surgery, what are the stages of it, if the patient feels pain, post-operative care and much more. Follow and stay on top of the subject!

Before surgery, what is analyzed?

Dental implant surgery also requires prior evaluation, like any other surgical procedure. This preoperative phase is essential for the specialist to assess the patient's oral and organic health, to ensure his/her safety and the success of the treatment.

We make a diagnosis and plan the patient, with clinical examination, imaging (radiographs and CT scans), physical assessment, with anamnesis, a questionnaire to assess health. Also laboratory tests, cardiological evaluation and surgery planning.

It is necessary to evaluate and analyze if the patient does not have any type of periodontal problem, cavities or infections. If these conditions are diagnosed, before surgery, it is necessary to treat them so as not to have complications.

How do I know if I need a bone graft?

In addition to investigating general health, the preoperative phase helps to verify the patient's bone conditions. It needs to have a good quantity and quality of bone to support the implant pin.

When one or more teeth are lost, over time, the tissues that held them in the mouth are reabsorbed by the body. They lose height and thickness, including the bone. If it gets too small, let's say, it doesn't offer a good quality base for fixing the pin.

The analysis is done through imaging tests, such as radiographs and CT scans. If it is found in the tomography that there is not enough bone remaining, we have to resort to bone grafts.

What consequences can the lying wisdom tooth cause?

You saw that not everyone needs to extract the wisdom tooth lying down, but there are cases where this procedure is very necessary because it can bring severe complications for oral and even organic health.

Whether for fear of the dentist or the surgical technique, some people end up putting this issue aside and living with the problem as long as possible. However, this is not a good decision, because, as we explained, the sooner the extraction is done, the simpler it will be, especially if performed during adolescence.

It is true that some care is needed after extracting the wisdom tooth, but you will receive all the support from the dentist and recovery will happen in a short time. Also, undergoing the procedure can save you a lot of headache in the future.

Below we list three problems that can happen if you have an indication for extraction and do not perform the procedure.

How to identify the ideal type of implant?

Another detail that needs to be considered in this treatment is that there are different types of implants. They are indicated according to the extent of tooth loss and the patient's needs.

Dental implants are classified as single implants, when they replace a single tooth. Partial implants, when part of the arch is replaced, and total implants, such as the protocol, which replaces all the teeth in the arch.

Among the single ones, there is the implant with immediate loading. In it, the prosthesis is installed on the same day that the pin is fixed. In any case, the best type of implant is chosen by the specialist together with the patient.

It is necessary to consider the characteristics of each type, to define which one best suits the patient's case. This also applies to possible limitations when cleaning, how much you intend to invest, among other details.
Discover our specialty Implantology. 

What are the steps of implant surgery?

Rehabilitation with implants follows two phases. The surgical phase, in which we install the implant pins, which will function as the root of the tooth; and the prosthetic phase, when we mold and install the prosthesis on the implants. Below, we present each of these phases in more detail.

First phase

It happens as soon as the implant dentist finishes the patient's evaluation and defines that it is possible to proceed with the treatment. A small opening is made in the gum to expose the bone where the dental implant post will be fixed. The implantodontist uses a specific drill to open the canal where it will be positioned.

Then, he closes the gum to wait for the osseointegration time that requires about 3 to 4 months to happen. In the case of those who did the bone graft, it can reach 6 months.

The osseointegration period is the one in which the bone will regenerate and surround the implant post. That's how he gets stuck in his mouth and doesn't let go. However, there is no need to wait for immediate loading implants. In this technique, the prosthetic phase takes place on the same day.

Second level

The second stage, therefore, is prosthetics. As we explained, when the immediate load implant is performed, it already happens immediately after the pin fixation surgery. When the conventional implant is performed, this phase occurs after the pin is osseointegrated.

A new surgery is performed, now simpler. The implantodontist reopens the gum to expose the implant and install the pre-prosthetic element. He makes the connection between the pin and the prosthesis, i.e. the artificial tooth, which can also be installed at that time.

Does this type of surgery hurt?

Knowing what are the myths and truths about dental implants is very important to clarify information like this. Many people believe that, because it is a surgery, this treatment is provocative. But that is not true.

All treatment is done with great caution and care, and planning serves to ensure patient safety, comfort and more agility. In addition, implantology has evolved a lot, as well as the protocols adopted.

Implant technology and instruments generate faster and more comfortable procedures for the patient. We work with a medication protocol, which begins to be taken a few hours before the procedure, that is, this also provides comfort and a faster postoperative recovery.

What are the postoperative cares?

It is important to point out that the success of the implant surgery depends on the good work done by the professional and the cooperation of the patient. Therefore, you need to undergo treatment in a good clinic with experienced implant dentists. Thus, a good preoperative and planning will be done, in addition to the correct execution of the techniques.

Then, it is the patient's turn to follow the guidelines, adopting all post-operative care so that healing and osseointegration take place without complications. We must not forget that it is a surgery, therefore, subject to inflammation or infection.

In the first 24 hours after the implant surgery, it is recommended to adopt a cold diet, ingesting, for example, vitamins, yogurt, ice cream and açaí. This is because low temperatures help to calm the operated tissues, bringing a greater sense of comfort, pain reduction and inflammation prevention.

Afterwards, preference should be given to liquid or pasty foods. They do not require chewing movements, which avoids pressure on the operated site. Thus, we favor tissue healing and avoid possible movements in the implant pin, which hinder osseointegration.

The specialist will also make other recommendations, such as:

  • do not touch the operated site;
  • speak little in the first few days;
  • avoid sleeping on the operated side;
  • avoid suction movements;
  • do not use intense mouthwash;
  • focus on oral hygiene.

It seems like a lot, but the patient already leaves the office with all the recommendations on care, hygiene, rest, food and other details. Just follow what the professional indicated.

It will also be necessary to make the return consultations, such as for the removal of stitches, which happens about 7 to 10 days after the surgery. Also, in case of doubt or any problem, you can contact the implantodontist and ask for guidance.

This is also a reason to have the implant surgery in a clinic with a good structure and trained professionals. Thus, you will receive all the support before, during and after the procedure, to guarantee maximum comfort, an excellent recovery and the best results.

Did you like to know more about dental implant surgery? So get in touch and talk to our experts to analyze your case.

Did you like our article? So, enjoy your visit to the blog and find out What to do when the wisdom tooth is lying down!

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Dental Implant Surgery: What It Is, How It Works, and When Is It Necessary

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