How to choose between dental veneers or contact lenses?

Dentist making dental contact lenses
Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

Dental veneers and dental contact lenses are perfect solutions for transforming your smile, making it much more beautiful. Since they have the same purpose, it is common for patients to be unsure about which one to choose.

Is this your case? Then you're in the right place! Here, we present details about dental veneers and dental contact lenses, so that you can learn about the procedures and know which is best for your case. Let's do this together?

dentist holding model of veneers.

What is a dental veneer?

This is a super-thin prosthesis made of porcelain. This prosthesis is placed over the patient's natural teeth, helping to cover imperfections and making the smile more harmonious and beautiful.

A dental veneer It has an appearance very similar to that of a natural tooth. In addition, it is highly resistant to stains and breakage, as well as highly durable, and can remain in excellent condition for more than a decade.


Dental contact lenses: find out what they are

Dental veneers are also very thin prostheses that are placed over natural teeth. They can be made of porcelain or resin, materials that deliver a natural result.

These lenses cover problems that bother the patient, helping to transform their smile. Just like porcelain veneers, they guarantee the patient a more harmonious smile, increasing their self-esteem.


What do dental veneers and contact lenses correct?

These two cosmetic dental treatments correct problems with the color, shape, and size of natural teeth. Here are some of the most common:

  • Yellow and stained teeth
  • Closing diastema (space between teeth)
  • Conoid tooth (conical and smaller in shape)
  • Tooth fracture
  • darkened tooth
  • Gummy smile correction
  • Worn or cracked teeth

In all cases, the veneer and dental lens provide a harmonious result, with aligned and brighter teeth. The best part? In just a few sessions and in a minimally invasive way, without pain.


Dental veneers vs. contact lenses: what’s the difference?

After finding out what dental veneers and contact lenses are, you're probably wondering if there's a difference between them. It may not seem like it, because the purpose of both is to cover imperfections in your teeth, but veneers and lenses are different!

The main difference is in the thickness of the prostheses. The dental veneer has a thickness that varies from 0.7 to 1.5 millimeters, while the lens has a thickness of 0.3 to 0.5 millimeters. Therefore, the veneer is thicker than the lens.

This is a very important detail because it directly influences the recommendation for use to the patient. In general, dental lenses are best suited to covering subtle imperfections. 

Veneers are recommended in cases where a lens would not be efficient, for example, to cover darker stains or deeper changes in the size and shape of the tooth.

Another important difference is in the application: the veneer requires the natural teeth to be worn down. However, when placing veneers, there is usually no need for wear or only minimal wear.


Benefits of dental veneers and lenses

Both cosmetic dentistry treatments provide special benefits that make them worth investing in. One of the main benefits is the transformation of the smile, eliminating problems that bother the patient.

This will help you achieve the perfect smile you’ve always dreamed of, which will help boost your self-esteem. This will have a positive impact on your confidence, making it easier to communicate in any situation.

Furthermore, dentures are durable, can correct functional problems as well as aesthetic ones, and are easy to maintain. To preserve them, you must maintain proper oral hygiene, follow your dentist's instructions, and see your dentist regularly.


Dental veneer or contact lens?

Now that you know the details about these cosmetic dental treatments, it’s easier to know which option is best for you. If you need a more profound change to your smile, veneers are usually the perfect choice.

If you want to make subtle changes to your smile, dental contact lenses are a good option, delivering incredible results, with a focus on naturalness, just like veneers.

Are you still unsure about which procedure to choose? Consult a dentist! They are the right professional to make an accurate recommendation, considering your case and your expectations. 


Dental veneer and contact lens in Rio de Janeiro

Do you want to put veneer or dental contact lens in Rio de Janeiro? Odonto Liuzzi is the ideal clinic for you to transform your smile! We have a team of specialists ready to assist you, as well as a complete structure and advanced technology.

We also have the advantage of being a world reference in dental treatments for those who are afraid of the dentist, providing personalized care to patients. This way, you can guarantee the best experience and treat your smile with peace of mind and safety!

Do you want to benefit from these benefits when taking care of your oral health and smile aesthetics? Then take this opportunity to schedule an assessment with us!

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How to choose between dental veneers or contact lenses?

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