Dental contact lenses: tips to keep healthy

Dentist making dental contact lenses
Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

For anyone concerned with teeth aesthetics, the whiter, more aligned and beautiful smile, which previously seemed restricted only to celebrities, is now more accessible with treatment with dental contact lenses. This allows satisfactory, fast and lasting results.

If well cared for, the parts used in the procedure can last, depending on the patient's care, for over 15 years. But it is important to point out that if these main care after completion are neglected, durability can be reduced.

To prevent this problem from happening, we've prepared this article with some guidelines to extend the life of your lenses.

Keep reading and check out more about the technique and some precautions.

What are dental contact lenses?

A dental contact lens It is a procedure performed to improve the smile aesthetics. The treatment consists of an ultra-thin blade that is placed over the front of the tooth, covering stains and correcting light imperfections.

The dental contact lens allows the closure of small spaces between the teeth and is molded in such a way that all of them have a perfect size and alignment.

Click here and learn more about dental contact lenses!

Advantages of dental contact lens

Here are some of the main advantages of using contact lenses for teeth:

Little dental wear

To perform the application of the lens, it is not necessary to make a lot of wear, as the blade is ultra-thin. This causes the procedure to preserve the natural structure of the tooth, avoiding injuries and other problems arising from wear.

Excellent value for money

In addition to providing an incredible aesthetic result, dental contact lenses last for many years, which makes the procedure extremely cost-effective for the patient.

The process of placing dental contact lenses

The main objective of applying contact lenses to your teeth is to change some particularities of your smile, such as color, shape, size and possible wear or fractures. To begin with, the patient assesses their oral health and then planning is done.

These units are made according to the dentist's instructions, and are usually made of ceramic laminates. Once ready, the region to be applied is prepared so that the pieces fit together correctly.

The durability of these veneers may vary depending on the material used, but mainly depends on the precautions taken by the patient. If the guidelines are followed strictly, the procedure can last for years, as mentioned above.

Main care after placing dental contact lenses

As you've seen, basic daily care is a great ally to keep the results as long as possible. See below what should be done to further extend the useful life of dental contact lenses:

protect teeth

There are practices that offer risks of breaking the pieces of the treatment, such as sports and disorders, such as bruxism. In such cases, teeth protection is done with specific protectors, which fit each one's bite.

Never try to fit your bruxism brace to your teeth that have received contact lenses. The shape and size of teeth change! Therefore, you need to make a new plate, which fits well in your mouth.

Pay attention to your menu

It is necessary to redouble the attention in question to food. Very hard foods, such as nuts and coconut, can put pressure on the lens and break it. In addition, chewing gum can be harmful and pigmented foods or drinks change the color of parts over time.

However, if something with dye is ingested, it is interesting to rinse your mouth with water right away, to prevent this process from influencing the tone more quickly.

Brush properly and daily

Hygiene after each meal is an indispensable habit to avoid oral diseases. Even with the coating, some parts of the tooth structure are exposed and can be affected by cavities, gingivitis and periodontitis.

However, brushing must be done properly, with soft bristle brushes and toothpastes without abrasive substances, in order not to damage and wear out the dental blades.

Make regular visits to the dentist

After completing the treatment, periodic follow-up with the professional continues. This allows the dentist to assess the color and transparency of the material or whether there is cavities and tartar, which can impact the long-term result.

Click here and schedule your appointment!

Stay away from harmful habits

Using your teeth as a way to open things, biting your nails or biting hard objects are habits that should be avoided at all costs, so as not to harm in terms of wear or breakage of the lenses or the natural dentition.

Also, avoid smoking. After all, cigarettes are responsible for changing the tone of the region and making it darker, which can affect both contact lenses and natural teeth.

After all, why be careful after putting on contact lenses?

Contact lenses are used in cosmetic dentistry to correct some imperfections by placing pieces over the teeth. They are made of a thin and transparent material, which is quite resistant.

Despite having this characteristic, they require certain concerns so that there is no direct interference in the result of the technique. Therefore, knowing what can or cannot be done helps to avoid damage or other situations that compromise aesthetics.

With the main care after putting in dental contact lenses, your smile will remain beautiful and healthy for much longer. In addition to these tips, it is important to follow the other recommendations given by your dentist.

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Do you have questions? Talk to us

To the dental contact lenses are a great option for those who want to smile more and be confident. Following the care above, you will have healthy and intact lenses in your mouth for a long time, guaranteeing your dream smile!

Want to know more about dental contact lenses? Contact us and schedule an evaluation to take care of your smile!

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Dental contact lenses: tips to keep healthy

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