
Clínica Odonto Liuzzi stands out in the field of dentistry for several reasons, including humanized patient care, advanced technology, pain-free treatments and a pleasant experience for those who suffer from odontophobia. Find out more about our differences:

Humanized and personalized service

At Odonto Liuzzi, we emphasize the importance of humanized and personalized care, recognizing that oral health is inseparable from the individual's general health.

We understand that the mouth is a window into the health of the entire body, and that imbalances in oral health can reflect or influence overall well-being.

Our humanized approach goes beyond conventional dental treatment. We prioritize an open and thoughtful dialogue with each patient, taking time to understand their individual needs and concerns.

This in-depth understanding allows us to provide dental care that not only meets immediate needs, but also contributes positively to our patients' quality of life.

Own laboratory for quick and accurate diagnoses

Odonto Liuzzi is proud to have its own laboratory, equipped with the most advanced 3D technology for manufacturing ceramic works such as dental crowns, lenses and prostheses, as well as interocclusal splints.

We use a high-precision oral scanning system, which allows the creation and, in some cases, placement of these pieces on the same day as the consultation.

Our ceramic crowns are made with high-quality materials, based on porcelain, offering an aesthetic that perfectly harmonizes with the color of natural teeth, as well as exceptional resistance to wear. This investment in cutting-edge technology reflects our commitment to providing fast, efficient and aesthetically superior results for our patients.

Cerec CAD/CAM System

At the forefront of dental technology, the CEREC CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) system has revolutionized the way we perform dental restorations.


This system allows our aesthetic dentist team to perform a complete scan of the patient's mouth, without the need for traditional impressions, providing greater comfort during the procedure.

Thanks to a high-precision scanner, we obtain a detailed reading of the patient's mouth, which is then converted into an accurate 3D image by the computer. From this digital modeling, a state-of-the-art milling machine manufactures dental restorations, such as crowns, veneers and lenses, quickly and efficiently.

The great advantage of this system is the ability to carry out these works on ceramic or porcelain in approximately 30 minutes, allowing patients to receive high-quality restorations in a single visit.

X-ray on site

We adhere to Digital X-Ray, which represents a major advance compared to analog systems. This technology allows you to capture high-quality images with less patient exposure to radiation

Painless anesthesia (Morpheus)

The Morpheus differential is its automated control of the anesthetic flow, allowing exceptional precision. With this system, it is possible to anesthetize exactly the tooth that will be treated, without affecting the surrounding soft tissues. This means that in addition to avoiding pain during the procedure, patients also escape the unpleasant post-anesthesia sensation.

In addition to eliminating pain, Morpheus also helps to reduce fear and anxiety associated with dental anesthesia. This technological innovation is in line with our commitment to providing our patients with a calm, comfortable and stress-free experience.

Dental treatment with sedation RJ

Conscious sedation is ideal for patients who experience apprehension, fear of dentists, or discomfort with the idea of needles and dental treatments in general. This method allows the patient to remain awake and communicative, but in a state of deep relaxation, making the dental experience much more peaceful.


We adopt aromatherapy as part of our holistic approach to promoting a welcoming and relaxing environment. Aromatherapy, a natural therapeutic practice, uses the aromas and properties of essential oils to stimulate different areas of the brain, helping to offer a unique and comforting experience to our patients.

We believe that a calming environment can make a big difference in the perception and experience of dental treatment, especially for those who are afraid of the dentist.


Prime location

Odonto Liuzzi is strategically located right in the heart of Rio de Janeiro. Located at Praia do Flamengo, 66 – Catete, our clinic is in an easily accessible location, allowing our patients to arrive with peace of mind and convenience.


The building where we are located has rotating parking, providing a worry-free experience when searching for spaces.


Now that you know our differences, it’s even easier to choose the ideal RJ dental clinic for your treatment. Contact our team and find out more about the procedures available at Odonto Liuzzi.

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