Endodontics: Root Canal Treatment – Pain Free

4 Symptoms that indicate the need for root canal treatment

1- Feeling pain when eating something sweet and or hot that ceases after the stimulus;

2- Feel more acute pain when drinking something cold that ceases after the stimulus;

3- Constant throbbing pain that ceases only with the use of medication;

4- Feel the presence of a local fistula, with or without pain.

Root Canal Treatment: What is it?

Dental Canal Treatment is nothing more than a procedure carried out to clean the inside of the compromised tooth, carried out by an endodontist dentist who specializes in taking care of the canal system and treating injuries to the nerve and root of the tooth.

Root canal treatment: How is it done?

The treatment of the dental canal is done using instruments (files) and medicines, where the endodontist seeks to eliminate the action of the bacteria present there, in addition to sealing with the final filling the communication of the internal environment of the tooth, already clean, with the external environment so that the exchange of new infections does not occur.

Root canal treatment: When should I do it?

Root canal treatment is indicated when the pulp (nerve and blood vessels) of the tooth is inflamed or infected. Inflammation or infection can be caused by several factors, such as trauma, deep cavities or the presence of fistulas (similar to a pimple on the gum) present in the region of the affected tooth.

Understand the importance of doing it.

When you have a root canal problem, treatment is a way to ease the pain and restore your tooth's health. If you are experiencing any kind of pain in your teeth or gums, the ideal is to seek help from a trained professional to evaluate and choose the best treatment for you.

What types of root canal treatment can be indicated?

1-Dental treatment for a vital or bio canal, which means that, despite being infected and inflamed, your canal is still alive, so it can be started and finished in 1 single appointment.

2-Dental treatment for a necrotic canal, which means that it is “dead”, infected, inflamed and involved by extremely resistant bacteria, therefore it takes longer.

The difference between the two types of root canal can be very important for the success of the treatment.

How long does root canal treatment take?

Root canal treatment may vary in time depending on the complexity of the case. Generally, the procedure is completed in a single session with rotary and digital instruments that allow us to provide a faster, more accurate and less stressful treatment for the patient, but this will only be possible if, after the diagnostic consultation, the professional observes that his canal is vital or bio as described above.

Necrotic dental canal, understand more.

In necrotic root canals, root canal treatment takes longer, usually requiring between two or three sessions, with intervals of one to two weeks between them. Because in this clinical condition, the dental canal is contaminated by bacteria involved in the decomposition of the existing organic matter within the dental canal: the dental pulp. Taking into account that these make the condition more serious, it becomes necessary that specific medications are used, and remain for some time neutralizing the toxins of these bacteria, in order to avoid future infections.

Root canal treatment hurts?

No, root canals do not hurt. In fact, most people don't feel anything during the procedure, as it is performed using good local anesthetic technique.

Meet Morpheus

Here, we have the differential of using Morpheus, which is a painless anesthesia device, in addition to handpicking humanized professionals who work with caution and a light hand.

However, it is important to note that each person is unique and, therefore, some may feel some very light sensation during the procedure, especially in advanced clinical situations. However, this is easily controlled with local anesthetics. Choosing a calm and empathetic professional will help a lot in this situation.

How much does a root canal treatment cost?

The value of root canal treatment depends on several factors, such as the number of canals to be treated, the complexity of the procedure, the number of sessions required, the professional's knowledge, and the instruments and materials that will be used. It would be difficult to speak of exact values in view of so many particularities, but they can vary from R$ 500.00 to R$ 1200.00.

Our tip is that you try to do it with quality, so that you don't have future problems or discomfort during your treatment. At this moment invest in yourself.

5 tips to avoid root canals:

1- Maintain good dental hygiene, this means brushing your teeth at least twice a day, and flossing
2- Avoid very sweet or acidic foods, which alter the ph of saliva.
3- Drink lots of water, to stimulate saliva production, your greatest protection.
4-Avoid friction between teeth as in Bruxism.
5-Visit the dentist regularly to clean and control cavities, in a preventive way.

Does Root Canal Treatment make the tooth fragile?

The tooth becomes fragile with the treatment of a dental canal, in fact, because when treating the canal, irrigation and vitality are removed from it, making it more friable, so this does not mean to say that every tooth with a canal will fracture. All that is necessary is a correct indication of post-treatment oral rehabilitation, selecting the correct materials (resin and different types of porcelain), as well as taking into account the function of the tooth, and whether the patient has any parafunctional habits (bruxism ) that exerts excessive force on the site. This will only be possible with the knowledge of the professional who will conduct the case.

To think about

If we stop to think about it, even if the tooth is friable after treatment, if it doesn't touch anything and doesn't exert any force, it won't fracture right?

So it becomes much more important to pay attention to how it will be rehabilitated than simply stating that the root canal fractures.

The tooth that already has a treated canal can hurt, yes!

Although root canal treatment is effective in most cases, in some cases reinfection may occur and require retreatment. Therefore, you should always carry out periodic follow-up with updated rx so that the professional can preventively identify and avoid your discomfort.

Within Dentistry there are several areas, separated by specialties. In root canal treatment, the Endodontist performs the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.

Those who do a dental canal do not necessarily need to rest.

Most root canal procedures are relatively simple and do not require a lot of time to recover. But it is extremely important that you be careful when chewing, and correctly follow your dentist's guidelines.

The tooth you had canalized can be sore.

Some patients may experience some discomfort after the procedure, particularly when chewing. This sore tooth varies a lot between patients, many do not feel anything. But if you have, talk to your dentist who performed the procedure to get the necessary clarifications on what to do. In cases where there is discomfort, the use of certain

Yes, root canal treatment is an effective solution to this problem.

It is a relatively simple procedure that involves removing inflammation and pain. We will carry out the procedure carefully to relieve pain and tissue inflammation. The Endodontist may also prescribe analgesics and/or anti-inflammatories to relieve pain and inflammation.

Many people wonder if root canal treatment needs to take antibiotic.

The answer is: it depends. If the infection is located only in the tooth area, it is likely that antibiotics are not necessary. However, if the infection is present in other parts of the body, such as the lymphatic system or bones, antibiotics may be prescribed to fight the infection. Dentists often recommend antibiotics to prevent infections, especially if the root canal was performed on a tooth with signs of inflammation. If you are taking antibiotics, it is important to take the full course, even if you feel better beforehand. This will prevent the infection from returning.

Your tooth will not fracture by performing a root canal.

Your tooth will fracture only if the final restoration is not well conducted, as well as your Parafunctional habits are not well conducted. We know that this fear is shared by many people, and if you clicked here it is because it is also yours, but rest assured that by choosing good professionals, this will be difficult to happen. In the text above we wrote more about the subject, I invite you to read the content carefully separated by our specialists to reassure you.

“Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful.”

Clarissa Pedrozo

Eternal thanks to all the team that always welcomed me. You know that place you arrive and don't feel like leaving? Tasty coffee, comfort, friendliness, welcome and the best: I didn't feel pain during anesthesia. I can say that I learned to love taking care of my teeth after I met odontoliuzzi. I had a toothache and had to do my first root canal… I got tense but Dr Natália's calm and friendliness made me believe that we can sleep doing a root canal WITHOUT PAIN!!! Super top!!!

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