Humanized Dentistry: Discover how to lose fear of the dentist
When you remember the noise of the filling machine or your dentist's anesthesia syringe, do you feel butterflies in your stomach? Sign that you are afraid of the dentist.
Periodontics: know all about this specialty
Have you ever dreamed of having healthy and white teeth? Surely, at least once in their life, someone has already made this claim! And the truth is that this dream can be turned into reality, especially when you insert different habits into your daily life that will contribute to both desires.
Gum recession? Understand this problem and how it can be reversed
Have you ever dreamed of having healthy and white teeth? Surely, at least once in their life, someone has already made this claim! And the truth is that this dream can be turned into reality, especially when you insert different habits into your daily life that will contribute to both desires.
Toothache: Know the 10 main causes
Who has ever felt that sharp toothache when drinking something very hot, cold or eating some very sweet food? These types of discomfort can be caused when the nerves at the base of or around your teeth become irritated.
odontophobia is the fear of the dentist
Odontophobia, or fear of the dentist, is a common problem for many people. In a recent study carried out in several countries, 61% of the interviewees stated that they were afraid of the dentist, and it is estimated that between 15% and 20% of Brazilian patients suffer from this problem.
Do you know what Humanized Dentistry is?
Humanized dentistry can be understood as an approach that is concerned with the patient's well-being in the sense of bringing him closer to the dental professional and making him more comfortable to have confidence in the treatment.
Humanized Dentistry
You've probably heard of health humanization, haven't you? Humanized delivery, humanized approach or even humanized dentistry. These are concepts that are becoming increasingly stronger in clinical practice in all areas of health. In 2003, the Ministry of Health launched the National Humanization Policy (PNH), with the aim of […]