Orofacial Harmonization: Everything you need to know
Find out what orofacial harmonization is and how it can improve the appearance of your face. Get all your questions answered about this aesthetic treatment, from what is included to the potential risks and benefits. Find the information you need to decide if orofacial pairing is right for you.
Do you know what Diastema is and how to treat it?
Diastema is the name given to the spacing between teeth, a very common feature in people, but which causes chewing problems and low self-esteem, given that the aesthetics of the mouth is compromised.
How much does tooth whitening cost and what factors influence the price
Are you ashamed to smile? So, find out how much teeth whitening costs and be safe again to spread happiness!
What is Aesthetic Dentistry?
Better known as dentistry, cosmetic dentistry is a specialty that combines beauty and health to take care of the smile. She works both in cosmetics and in dental restoration, concerned with preserving and restoring the structural and functional integrity of her teeth.