Can Anxiety Cause Jaw Pain?

Did you know that jaw pain and anxiety are topics that may be related? Read the article and stay on top of the subject!

10 tips to keep your teeth healthy and white

Have you ever dreamed of having healthy and white teeth? Surely, at least once in their life, someone has already made this claim! And the truth is that this dream can be turned into reality, especially when you insert different habits into your daily life that will contribute to both desires.

What is Aesthetic Dentistry?

Better known as dentistry, cosmetic dentistry is a specialty that combines beauty and health to take care of the smile. She works both in cosmetics and in dental restoration, concerned with preserving and restoring the structural and functional integrity of her teeth.

Do you know what dental contact lenses are?

Image of a smiling woman

Dental contact lenses, as they are popularly known, are called ultrafine dental ceramic facets by dentists. They have from 0.3 to 0.5 millimeters, which allows a minimum dental preparation, conserving even more the structure of the tooth.

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