What is humanized dentistry?

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Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

Humanized dentistry is a strong trend among dentists and dental clinics. But do you know what it means and how important it is for the patient?

Here, we present details about this concept! Continue reading and discover what humanized dentistry is, what its main characteristics are and other important details on the topic!

humanized dentistry

What is humanized dentistry?

It is a humanized approach to patient care. Its focus is to provide well-being, comfort and safety, bringing the patient closer to the dentist.

This type of service helps the patient to have greater confidence in the dentist. This way, you feel more comfortable carrying out the treatments you need, ensuring adequate oral health.

Humanized dentistry is essential in care and makes all the difference, especially for patients who are afraid of the dentist. It helps to provide greater security to this public, helping them to be able to undergo dental treatments.

An important detail about this humanized approach is that it is not limited to the patient and dentist relationship. It involves all stages of care, including that carried out by the clinic reception.

Furthermore, there is a concern to create a pleasant environment for everyone who frequents the place, helping to reduce anxiety and make the space more comfortable.

In humanized dentistry, the focus is not on agility, much less serving more patients. Dentists who follow this concept work based on personalizing care, aiming for quality and offering a good experience to the patient.

What is the care based on humanized dentistry like?

If you are not familiar with this approach, it is common to have doubts about what care is provided based on humanized dentistry. Below, we clarify this issue once and for all, showing how attention works:

1. Personalization of care and treatment

Humanization in dentistry involves personalizing care and treatment. For the dentist who practices this approach, you are a unique patient, with specific needs, which require customized treatment.

This provides a series of advantages, such as the establishment of a closer, trusting relationship, as well as personalized results that respect your individuality, avoiding standardization.

Therefore, there is no risk of your smile looking like everyone else's, especially when it comes to aesthetic dental treatments.

2. Openness to dialogue and clarification of patient doubts

Many times, patients give up on dental treatment because the dentist is not open to dialogue and does not clarify their doubts. This gives the impression of a lack of knowledge or that you will not have the necessary support during treatment. Thus, the trust relationship is compromised.

Humanized dentistry helps to avoid this. The dentist who adopts this approach is willing to get to know the patient and clarify their doubts, as well as indicate how they should collaborate throughout the treatment process.

Take wisdom surgery for example! Knowing how the procedure is performed and the risks involved gives greater security to the patient, who can make decisions based on reliable information.

Furthermore, if the patient knows in advance what the post-operative period is like, they are better prepared for this period, know exactly what they need to do and have a smoother recovery, with a very low risk of complications.

Hence the importance of openness to dialogue and clarifying doubts. This contributes to providing greater safety to the patient, directly impacting the outcome of the treatment.

3. Active listening

Humanized dentistry treatment also involves active listening, that is, really paying attention to what the patient is saying.

This way, the dentist can understand the patient's habits, identify symptoms that have gone unnoticed, make a more accurate diagnosis and adopt a personalized approach to treatment.

4. Availability to the patient

Humanized dental care also involves being available to the patient, either during the consultation or after the procedure, monitoring the case closely.

This provides security and confidence to the patient, who feels that they have support during post-treatment, especially in more complex ones such as surgeries.

Furthermore, it allows the patient to receive quick care in the event of complications, knowing exactly how to act to avoid complications. With this, the dentist demonstrates empathy, improving the quality of care, which contributes to patient loyalty.

Benefits of humanized dentistry

Humanized dentistry provides special benefits for patients, dentists and dental clinics, so it is an approach that is worth the investment. Check out the main benefits below:

Reduced fear of the dentist

Humanized and personalized care contributes to the patient having less fear of dentist, managing to continue the treatments.

This happens because the patient is welcomed, understanding their fears and difficulties, in addition to demystifying issues related to dental treatment.

Furthermore, a relationship of trust is created between dentist and patient, which helps to overcome fear and enables the patient to take care of their oral health.

Patient well-being

If the patient feels comfortable with the dentist and the clinic, there is a greater chance that they will return for treatments. Humanized dentistry allows you to personalize care to ensure that the patient has this comfort and well-being.

The dentist identifies the patient's preferences and customizes care and treatment to ensure they have a better experience. This contributes, for example, to patient loyalty.

High success rate in treatments

Personalized care and treatment contributes to a high success rate, with greater patient satisfaction. This result is possible, as the dentist is able to identify needs and desires with greater precision, adapting care and treatment according to your expectations.

Humanized dentistry in Rio de Janeiro

Are you looking for a dentist Rio de Janeiro that follows the concept of humanized dentistry? The OdontoLiuzzi clinic is the perfect place for you!

We have a team of highly qualified dentists in various specialties, who provide humanized dental care, focusing on personalized care and treatment for patients. Take the opportunity to schedule your appointment!

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