What is Aesthetic Dentistry?

Dentist making dental contact lenses
Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

Having beautiful, white and well-aligned teeth is the dream of many people, being one of the main factors responsible for good self-esteem and better social interaction.

Cosmetic dentistry aims to make the smile more harmonious and functional for each patient. Its oral health benefits are:

  • Restoring teeth that have suffered some type of trauma;
  • Remove stains from food, nicotine and acidic drinks;
  • Bring a nicer color to your teeth;
  • Make the smile more harmonic;
  • Improve patients' self-esteem.

With technological development, today it is possible to have less invasive materials and procedures available that provide a more natural end result and similar to customer expectations.

After all, what is Cosmetic Dentistry?

It is likely that when you think about the meaning of “Cosmetic Dentistry”, the word “Beauty” will come to mind. However, the relevance of this area of Dentistry, which is also known as Dentistry, goes far beyond that. The objective of Cosmetic Dentistry is to improve the appearance of teeth and, consequently, people's smiles. In other words, it takes care of the dental appearance, the face and the fit of the jaw, benefiting not only the physical aspect, but also the psychological one, as it increases self-esteem and well-being, leaving the patient safer and happier.

When it comes to a smile, there are still gender differences. Women have more rounded and longer teeth than men, respecting, of course, physiological wear.

Women's expectations and demands are also higher, as well as personal care. The important thing is to harmonize the smile with the shape of the face, age, skin tone and the personality characteristics that each one has.

The treatments carried out in this area are the most diverse, from dental whitening, porcelain veneers, toxins, dental visagismo, dental whitening, dental bonding, dental implants, between others. Let's learn a little more about each one in this article!

When is Cosmetic Dentistry indicated?

As we mentioned earlier, Cosmetic Dentistry is not only linked to increasing self-esteem or harmonizing the patient's smile, as it also improves the functionality of the dental arch. Therefore, it should be applied in cases where there is any damage to the appearance of teeth or face.

If you have cracked, stained, opaque, worn, discolored, broken, misaligned, crooked teeth, or with very large spaces between one tooth and another, cosmetic dentistry can help you with that.

A complete treatment that may be able to improve the appearance of your smile and teeth and raise your self-esteem through different procedures. Each procedure is indicated and will be decided according to the characteristics of your mouth and teeth, together with your wishes and goals, carefully carried out by the aesthetic dentist.

It is important to emphasize that everyone can benefit from an aesthetic treatment, and that any step towards a perfect smile is worthwhile. When it comes to Cosmetic Dentistry, functionality and aesthetics go hand in hand.

Discover the 12 most common procedures in Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry aims at facial and smile harmonization with various techniques that, in addition to bringing gains to the appearance, provide quality of life and raise the individual's self-esteem.

Imperfections or stains on the teeth, gum size, asymmetrical face shape and even wrinkles and expression lines can be corrected quickly in the dentist's office. Check out the 12 most common cosmetic dentistry procedures below:

1. Application of toxins

The dentist can apply toxins to block the nerve impulse in the muscle tissue, thus aiming at its relaxation.

The technique is aimed at correcting cases of asymmetrical smile, popularly called a crooked smile, situations in which the exposure of teeth and gums is disproportionate when the person smiles. With the substance, it is possible to relax the musculature on the side of the mouth that is more stretched when smiling, thus ensuring a harmonization of the face.

The technique is also indicated to correct situations of facial asymmetry, when one side of the face is larger or wider than the other. Botulinum toxin can make a more prominent muscle regression, contributing to a more aesthetic appearance.

Finally, the dentist can also apply the substance to correct furrows and wrinkles that bother the patient, promoting facial rejuvenation.

The procedure, performed in a very safe manner, is quick and does not cause discomfort to the patient. However, it is not definitive: it is necessary to reapply the substance from time to time according to the professional's guidance.

2. Facial filler

Facial filling, performed with hyaluronic acid, also aims at facial harmonization, as it manages to smooth out wrinkles, expression marks and furrows. This is because the substance stimulates the production of collagen, a protein that gives elasticity and firmness to the skin and also helps with hydration.

This cosmetic dentistry treatment adds volume and shape to areas of the face affected by the aging process. Hyaluronic acid has the property of occupying the space between cells and attracting water to the area where it was applied.

In this way, the procedure recovers the angles that shape and rejuvenate the face. It is also indicated to soften dark circles and scars, such as those resulting from acne.

3. Traction and Support Wires

Another technique used to correct the asymmetrical smile is the traction and support threads, composed of an absorbable material, which support the tissues of the face. The wires are passed under the skin after the person receives local anesthesia.

It is a quick and minimally invasive procedure, aimed at rejuvenating the face, as it smoothes wrinkles, furrows and improves sagging. It also helps to redefine the contour of the jaw, the shape of the cheeks and improve the appearance of the neck.

4. Teeth whitening

Do you want to make your teeth whiter and evenly colored? Then cosmetic dentistry can help.

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures. It can be performed in the dental office, often in a single appointment.

First, the dental hygienist removes plaque, tartar and other debris from the surface of each tooth, restoring its natural appearance. Then the teeth can be whitened with a whitening product to obtain a shade even lighter than the original color.

Over the years, teeth become stained and worn down by food, drink, medication and personal habits such as smoking. Whitening coats the teeth, and this procedure can be done in the dental office.

In the procedure, the professional can use the laser or LED light to further enhance the results.

Whitening is long-lasting if the patient maintains good oral hygiene and avoids foods and drinks that stain teeth, such as coffee, tea, wine, cola-based soft drinks, ketchup, industrialized sauce, beetroot, etc.

5. Dental contact lenses

For those looking for a more beautiful and uniform smile, correcting small imperfections in the shape, size, inclination and color of the teeth, you need to know about dental contact lenses.

It is an ultra-thin coating (0.2 to 0.4 mm) of porcelain bonded tooth by tooth. They are extremely resistant and durable and perform a facial transformation, as the teeth are aligned and with a very natural color, as porcelain has a tone and shine that are very similar to tooth enamel.

The lenses are indicated for anterior teeth, those that are visible when talking and smiling, and present effective results for cases of:

  • Small diastemas (spaces between teeth);
  • Contour correction between teeth;
  • Increased width or length of teeth;
  • Smooth hue correction;
  • Smooth tilt correction;
  • Small fractures;
  • Stains on tooth enamel.

6. Bichectomy

For patients who are bothered by the volume of the cheeks, which can make the face wider and even look childish, the indication is bichectomy.

It is an intervention of aesthetic dentistry that aims to make the face thinner, symmetrical and with more delicate features. In surgery, the dentist removes the balls or body of Bichat, tissue that gives volume and shape to the cheeks.

With the bichectomy, the apples of the face are more marked. The technique also improves the aesthetics of the cervical region, as it manages to define the limits between the jaw and neck lines.

6. Gingivoplasty

Gingivoplasty is a minor surgery performed on the gums. It is a type of plastic surgery, which aims to carry out interventions in the gingival tissue so that it becomes more harmonic and symmetrical, valuing the teeth.

There are people who have different gum heights in different areas of the mouth. Others have some excess fabric. There are also those who are not satisfied with the design of their gums, and all of this can be corrected through gingivoplasty.

This minor surgery is performed in the office using local anesthesia. After studying the characteristics of the patient's dentition and gums, the professional, considering the results that the person wants to achieve, remodels the gum tissue.

It is a simple procedure with little risk of complications, if all post-operative care and hygiene recommendations are followed. In this way, we avoid the proliferation of bacteria that could cause inflammation or infection.

Most of the time, in a few days, the gum is already healed, as this tissue recovers very quickly. Thus, it is not even necessary to give stitches, as the body itself is in charge of this regeneration process.

7. gingivectomy

Gingivectomy happens to be confused with gingivoplasty. This occurs because the two procedures are intended to correct asymmetries and disharmonies of the gingival tissue. But they are different techniques.

In gingivectomy, excess tissue is removed that is harming dental aesthetics and the functionality of oral structures. Thus, when there is gingival hyperplasia, that is, an increase in this tissue, it is necessary to perform a gingivectomy.

In many cases of gummy smile (when the upper gum is excessively exposed), it is possible to do only gingivoplasty. However, when it comes to something more complex, it may also be necessary to perform gingivectomy, since, in this technique, the surgeon also performs bone interventions.

Depending on the corrections that need to be made, it is not always possible to achieve satisfactory results working only on the gingiva. When this happens, the bones are also remodeled to achieve the desired symmetry and harmony.

9. Inlays and onlays

These cosmetic dentistry procedures, also known as indirect fillings, are done in a dental laboratory. They are used when a tooth has mild to moderate decay or insufficient structure to support a restoration.

When there is no damage to the tooth cusps, the inlay is placed directly on the tooth surface. However, when a cusp or more significant portion of the tooth is damaged, the dentist may use an onlay to cover the entire surface.

Inlays and onlays were formerly made of gold, but nowadays they are often made in a dental laboratory using a porcelain or ceramic composite and are attached to the teeth with adhesive dental cement.

They provide support to strengthen the teeth, restore their shape and prevent any further decay or decay.

10. Adhesive restoration

Adhesive restoration refers to repairing decayed, damaged, or stained teeth with composite resin, a material that resembles the color of tooth enamel. The dentist drills into the decayed tooth, applies composite resin to its surface, and then sculpts it into the proper shape before hardening it with the aid of a high-intensity light.

This procedure effectively covers damage to the tooth, giving it the appearance of a healthy tooth. Adhesive restoration is one of the least expensive cosmetic dentistry procedures available for patients with decayed, chipped, broken and worn teeth.

11. Implants

Dental implants are used to replace missing or damaged teeth. Not only do they improve aesthetics, but also the functionality that was lost due to the absence of one or more teeth.

The dentist inserts a small titanium pin into the bone at the site of the missing tooth, which will support a crown. Implants are almost indistinguishable from neighboring natural teeth. Once the bone and tissues supporting the tooth fuse with the implant, it is permanently fixed in place.

Patients need to adopt a careful oral hygiene routine during the implant placement period and after completion of the procedure to remove plaque and food debris from the area.

12. Dental alignment

Dental alignment is done through orthodontic appliances. Different types of braces are used to promote stimuli so that the teeth move to an ideal position, ensuring symmetry and the ideal fit of the arches.

People of any age can undergo orthodontic treatment. For children, there is also the possibility of preventive orthodontics. In it, the orthodontist accompanies the development of the little one, carrying out interventions in his dentition to guide the birth of teeth and avoid major problems in the future.

But, as said, this treatment is indicated for all age groups, including adults and the elderly. For those who don't want to impact their image with a metallic fixed device, the good news is that there are also aesthetic devices.

There are appliances whose shade is similar to tooth enamel, so they are almost imperceptible in the mouth. They are made of polycarbonate, porcelain or sapphire. But there is a better option that is even more discreet in the mouth, which is the invisible aligner.

It is a mobile device that does not contain brackets and other parts that make up conventional devices. Therefore, it is much more comfortable and is almost invisible in the mouth, ensuring a more natural smile during treatment.

With orthodontic appliances, it is possible to correct problems such as:

  • bite changes;
  • misalignments;
  • crowding;
  • teeth with gyres;
  • spaces between teeth, among others.

In addition to correcting crooked teeth, promoting a more pleasant appearance for them, this treatment prevents complications. After all, orthodontic problems can lead to dental wear, joint overload, chewing problems, breathing, diction, among many others.

Main benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

That dental aesthetics favors the appearance of teeth and values the person's image, you already know. But we also mention that its benefits go beyond that, impacting the health of the mouth and bringing other advantages. See how you can benefit from cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Ensure your oral health

Excess gums can favor the formation of plaque and tartar. Misaligned teeth are more difficult to clean, they also favor bacteria and can suffer wear and tear, in addition to affecting the structures of the face. The loss of teeth interferes with chewing, diction and can disrupt the organization of the dental arches.

For all these reasons, and for other reasons, dental aesthetics helps you to ensure the balance of your mouth's health. It promotes symmetry for the buccal structures and their tissues, thus guaranteeing a set that works more harmoniously, without overloads and excessive efforts.

Contributes to nutrition

If something is wrong with the fit of the dental arches, the position of the teeth, or even the tissues of the buccal mucosa, it will reflect on the way we chew. When chewing is not efficient, the organism feels the impacts.

Food needs to be fully macerated so that, during the digestion process, all of its nutrients are used. Thus, as dental aesthetic procedures harmonize the arches and teeth, they also favor this chewing process, allowing greater use of the nutrients that we ingest.

Brings more quality of life

In summary, with dental aesthetic procedures, you will have:

  • more harmony and symmetry for teeth and facial structures;
  • easier to take care of oral hygiene;
  • less propensity to develop diseases and problems of the mouth;
  • better use of food nutrients;
  • more satisfaction with your smile and image.

In this way, there is a balance between aesthetics and health, while ensuring self-esteem.

How to choose the ideal clinic?

With cosmetic dentistry procedures, we change many natural features, so they need to be done very responsibly. A thorough assessment of oral health and the needs of each patient is essential to indicate the best treatment.

The specialist also needs to carry out excellent planning, so that the technique is performed correctly, does not offer any type of risk and does not bring side effects. It is also necessary to achieve results that bring naturalness, so that your appearance does not become artificial.

Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing the clinic where you will have your treatments. We have listed some recommendations for you to do a conscious research and choose the ideal one to take care of your smile.

Check the procedures offered

First of all, see if the clinic you intend to consult offers a wide variety of procedures. This way, you will know that you are going to receive complete care and that, if you need different treatments, you will find it all in the same place.

Especially because it's impractical to have to look for other professionals or clinics when your treatment requires more than one specialty, don't you think?

See the expertise of professionals

Dentists who will perform aesthetic procedures need to be well trained - this is essential. The fact is that there is a wide variety of techniques that can be applied, and most require specific training. So see if they, in fact, have this preparation.

Analyze the structure and technology used

Find out about the structure of the clinic. See if it offers complementary procedures, such as exams, if it has its own laboratory or good partnerships. Also, check your investments in technology, as the dental sector has already evolved a lot, and there are more modern options to perform treatments.

note the attendance

Check the quality of care offered by the clinic from the first contact with it. Check if there is a concern to care for patients in a humane way, if there is respect for each one of them, their insecurities, doubts, among other factors. This is one of the precautions we take with our patients, so that they feel confident, secure and more at ease.

Did you know that OdontoLiuzzi offers these and other dental aesthetic procedures? Contact us to check the treatments at your disposal!

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