Do you know what dental contact lenses are?

Dentist making dental contact lenses
Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

Nowadays, there are many ways to make your smile more beautiful. In addition to laser and at-home tooth whitening, which give your teeth a whiter and more radiant color, we also have other procedures that upgrade the appearance of your oral business card, such as dental contact lenses.

Ever heard of this treatment? Want to know all the benefits of joining this technique? Check out the article below, where we explain everything you need to know about it.

What are dental contact lenses?

Contact lenses, as they are popularly known, are called ultrafine dental ceramic facets by dentists. They have from 0.3 to 0.5 millimeters, which allows a minimum dental preparation, conserving even more the structure of the tooth.

These preparations are the wear of the teeth, which can vary between 0.2 to 1.5 millimeters, depending on each case.

What is the function of dental contact lenses?

The main function of these lenses is to give a new shape to the teeth. The method can repair staining defects and correct multiple tooth defects. Some examples are:

 – Inverted smile curves;
– Wide buccal corridor;
– Diastemas;
– Short teeth;
– Yellow teeth;
– Stained teeth.

How are contact lenses placed?

The procedure is done in three steps:

1. The dentist performs an analysis of the patient and a study of his dental arch through photos of various profiles. He also chooses the color of the lenses, performs the molding with a very precise material and sends it to the technician. However, in Odontoliuzzi We rely on CAD CAM technology, where instead of taking the impression, we scan the patient's mouth digitally in 3D.

2. With all these documents in the laboratory (we have our own laboratory), the professional prepares the material after digital planning and design of the new smile;

3. Then the patient returns to the dentist to place the veneers.

What are the main materials used?

Recommended for aesthetic and functional purposes in the smile, dental contact lenses have a size of 0.2 to 0.4 mm, depending on the treatment, and are made with these five resistant and moldable substances, with different indications and therapeutic restrictions:

 – conventional feldspathic ceramic — common porcelain whose use time is shorter and has a greater chance of fracture and infiltration by caries;
– leucite-reinforced feldspathic ceramic — reinforced glass-ceramic material with better aesthetic result and duration in the mouth;
– Lithium silicate reinforced with zirconia — technique with disilicate that presents resistance to external impacts and excellent aesthetic aspect;
– translucent zirconia — used in fixed prostheses and contact lenses, the material manages to get very close to the natural appearance of the dentition due to the transparencies caused by the introduction of zirconia oxides in the laminated structure;
– lithium disilicate — is the material most used in current aesthetic and functional treatments with laminates, as it provides resistance and a natural appearance to superfine layers.

The material used to make dental contact lenses is very important for the outcome of the treatment. Therefore, talk to your dentist and ask him for an indication of the most suitable component to treat your oral problems, maintaining cost-effectiveness and safety.

Advantages and disadvantages of resin or porcelain dental veneers?

Dental contact lenses, as they are popularly known, are resin or porcelain veneers that can be placed on the teeth by the dentist to improve the harmony of the smile, providing aligned, white and well-fitting teeth, with a durability of 10 to 15 years.

These facets, in addition to improving beauty, also help minimize tooth wear and accumulate less bacterial plaque, improving hygiene and oral health.

Veneers should only be fitted by a specialist dentist and cannot be repaired if they crack or break, and each damaged veneer must be replaced.

When it is recommended to place

Dental veneers can be used in several cases, and therefore it is indicated for:

 – Approach the teeth that are separated from each other, scientifically called diastemas;
– When the teeth are very small in adults;
– Improve the appearance of broken or decayed teeth;
– Harmonize the size of the teeth;
– Change the color of teeth that can be stained or darkened by different factors.

Veneers can be applied to just one tooth or to the entire dental arch of the person, however it is necessary to assess the dentist during a consultation to find out if it is possible to place this type of 'contact lens on the teeth' or not because this technique cannot be used on all people.

Care to keep a beautiful smile

After placing the veneers on your teeth, getting a beautiful, clear and aligned smile, you need to take some care not to run the risk of damaging the veneers. Some important precautions are:

 – Brush your teeth when you wake up, after meals and before going to bed every day;
– Use mouthwash after each brushing;
– Floss or use dental tape between your teeth before brushing, at least once a day and whenever you feel the need;
– Go to the dentist at least once a year for an evaluation appointment;
– Do not bite your nails and ends of pencils or pens;
– If you notice if you wake up with jaw pain or a headache, go to the dentist because you may have bruxism and you need to wear a bite board to sleep so as not to damage the veneers. Understand this disease by clicking here.
– If you have a toothache, you should immediately go to the dentist to assess the cause of the pain and start the appropriate treatment;
– You should avoid foods that can harm or darken your teeth, such as dark teas, chocolate and coffee. However, a good solution for this is to take a sip of water after consuming some of these drinks and brush your teeth after eating chocolate.

In addition, whenever you notice a change in color or the presence of cracks in the veneers, you should go to the dentist to have the veneer repaired, so that the tooth is not further damaged because these small cracks can allow the entry of cavities that can damage the teeth, being difficult to see due to coverage by facets.

Check out the main questions about Dental Contact Lenses:

What are the benefits of dental contact lenses?

 – Speed of treatment, which takes, on average, three appointments;
– The veneer material is resistant to food pigments;
– Gives a new shape to the teeth;
– Low maintenance, also because porcelain does not change the color.

The longevity of the technique that usually lasts 10 to 15 years or much longer.

How long do dental contact lenses last?

The useful life of lenses is very relative, as it depends on some factors that vary from patient to patient. This means that there is no point in investing in technique and leaving aside adequate oral hygiene and having bad eating habits. These attitudes can reduce the useful life of the lens, because despite being made with resistant material, the cooperation of the patient is essential.

What is the difference between contact lens and porcelain veneers?

porcelain veneers

They are covers made of ceramic that are seven millimeters thick. They are cemented onto the front surfaces of the central incisor teeth. Generally, you need to do teeth grinding for minor dental corrections, in addition to whitening darkened and stained teeth.

Contact lenses

They have a difference at the time of placement. They are ultra-thin ceramic veneers about 0.2 to 0.4 mm thick, with little or no wear, intended to whiten teeth and correct esthetics.

Can people with bruxism wear dental contact lenses?

Due to the excessive force exerted between the teeth, patients with bruxism have special indications for aesthetic treatments, such as the use of dental contact lenses. This is because dysfunction can end up resulting in parts problems. Thus, the pressure caused by the tightening of the teeth can exceed the maximum mechanical resistance capacity of the installed units.

Who wears dental contact lenses can eat everything?

There are no dietary restrictions in this case. However, it's important to avoid excessive consumption of some foods and drinks that can stain your teeth or break those lenses. Between them:

 - Açaí;
- Coffee;
- Refrigerator;
– Snack-type biscuits;
– Box juices;
- ketchup;

Does oral hygiene change with dental contact lenses?

It doesn't change anything. You just need to follow a good cleaning routine after every meal. Just use a good toothbrush, a fluoride toothpaste, floss and finish with a mouthwash to keep your breath fresh. Remember that this care is essential to maintain a long and useful life for contact lenses.

How to care for dental contact lenses?

 – Maintain oral hygiene;
– Visit your dentist regularly;
– Avoid the bad habit of biting your nails;
– Adopt a good diet;
– Do not use your teeth to bite or try to open objects.

When to maintain dental contact lenses?

The maintenance of dental contact lenses is quite simple, since the material does not usually lose its natural color and has a longevity of 10 to 15 years of use. However, it is necessary to visit the dentist to take care of oral health, examining yourself every six months or annually and occasionally when you feel any discomfort in your mouth.

Contraindications and risks of dental contact lenses

There are people who have more restrictions on wearing dental lenses. For example, those who have weak, overlapping or heavily stained teeth.

Likewise, those who have reduced tooth enamel, bruxism or many restorations may have restrictions when performing the procedure.

In order to avoid risks, it is necessary that the person be evaluated by the professional, who will analyze whether there is a problem or not.

Having good oral hygiene is also a prerequisite that avoids problems, as bacteria can generate cavities which, in turn, can generate inflammation and the tooth can even fall out.

In this text, you will find out what types of dental contact lenses are, a ceramic composite procedure ideal for harmonizing the size, space and color of the front teeth. By maintaining oral hygiene and visiting the dental office periodically, you can extend the durability of superfine pieces.

Now that you know what it is, how placement works and what material dental contact lenses are made of, help your colleagues and family to better understand this topic. Share the post with your friends on social media now!

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