Dental root canal recovery and post-treatment care

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Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

Dental root canal treatment tends to generate many doubts among patients, especially when it comes to the powder. It is common to want to know what recovery is like and what precautions should be taken.

Is this your case? So you are in the right place! Here, we present details about root canal treatment, including recovery and care that you need to follow. Continue reading and find out!

What is dental root canal treatment?

It is a procedure carried out on the dental pulp, that is, on the inside of the tooth. Its purpose is to clean the inside of the tooth and treat any injuries that have affected the nerve or tooth root.

Root canal treatment is performed by an endodontist, who is a professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases that affect the dental pulp.

When to perform the endodontic procedure?

Treatment is indicated when the tooth pulp is inflamed or infected. These problems can occur due to several factors, such as deep cavities, fistulas in the gums and trauma.

Typically, the most common cause is tooth decay, which is initially asymptomatic. The problem is when it does not receive early treatment and it progresses, infecting the pulp and causing problems such as pain and sensitivity.

Have you identified any of these symptoms? So, see a dentist as soon as possible! The professional will carry out an assessment and indicate whether there is a need for root canal treatment or not.

How is root canal treatment performed?

The procedure is performed in one or more sessions, depending on the patient's case. If it takes only one session, it is normally done with biopulpectomy, a technique in which the pulp stump is preserved.

In this case, the endodontist opens the tooth and applies calcium hydroxide, the purpose of which is to treat the infection. Afterwards, the dentist restores the tooth, rehabilitating its shape.

If the treatment involves more than one session, we are talking about a necrotic tooth canal. In situations like this, there is an opening to access the pulp chamber. Then, the diseased part is eliminated and the area is irrigated to remove any residue.

The procedure concludes with remodeling, sealing and restoration of the tooth, eliminating the risk of new infections. In some cases, the patient may need to use intracanal medication for approximately two weeks before the tooth closes.

How much time does the treatment last?

It depends on the patient's case, especially its complexity. If it is a simpler case, it can be done in one session and normally the pulp stump is preserved.

For cases of tooth canal necrotic, treatment requires two to three sessions, with intervals of one to two weeks between each session. So it takes a little longer.

What is recovery like after root canal treatment?

Recovery after root canal treatment is usually simple, without requiring downtime. Therefore, you can resume your activities immediately. 

However, it is recommended that the patient be more cautious when chewing, without performing it on the tooth that underwent the procedure, in order to avoid complications.

Furthermore, it is essential that the patient uses the medications recommended by the endodontist, who normally prescribes analgesics or anti-inflammatories. Both help to assess any post-procedure discomfort.

Any problem with the powder should be reported to the dentist as soon as possible. This way, it is possible to have the necessary support, avoiding complications. 

Does tooth root canal treatment hurt?

There are those who do not have tooth root canal treatment because they are afraid of pain. Is this your case? So, there is good news: the procedure does not hurt, as it is performed with the patient under anesthesia.

There are some anesthesia options, from classic local anesthesia to that performed using the Morpheus device, which does not cause pain. However, it is worth mentioning that each patient has a different response and may experience some discomfort during the procedure.

In this case, choosing an empathetic professional who provides humanized care makes all the difference. This way, you will be able to better control the situation, avoiding any discomfort.

How to prevent endodontic problems and root canal treatment

Did you know that it is possible to avoid endodontic problems and root canal treatment? This can be done simply, by adopting good habits like the ones below:

Oral hygiene

Keep your oral hygiene up to date, brushing and flossing after meals. This way, you will eliminate food debris from your mouth, reducing the risk of cavities.


Whenever possible, avoid consuming foods that are too acidic or too sweet, as they alter the pH of saliva and can compromise oral health.

Water consumption

Do you drink little water on a daily basis? So, try to increase your consumption, as this helps to increase saliva production. This way, it is possible to better protect your teeth, minimizing the risk of needing endodontic treatment.


If you have been diagnosed with bruxism, it is worth treating this condition. This will avoid the risk of compromising the tooth, keeping it healthy and without the need for root canal treatment.

There are several treatments for bruxism, from the use of plates to the application of botulinum toxin. Talk to your dentist to find out the best treatment approach to take in your case.

Regular dentist appointments

Visiting your dentist regularly helps keep your oral health up to date. No wonder, after all, the professional performs preventative procedures, such as cleaning, which helps control cavities. At the same time, it avoids the need for endodontic treatments.

Root canal treatment in Rio de Janeiro

OdontoLiuzzi has dentist in Rio de Janeiro specialized in endodontics, making it the perfect place for you to have a root canal treatment in the region. 

But that's not all: it also has unique features such as a qualified and up-to-date team, which provides humanized care, with a focus on welcoming and respecting the patient.

The clinic has a complete and safe structure, with technologies to guarantee the best patient experience, as well as modern equipment and a pleasant space. Schedule your appointment now and have your root canal treatment at an excellent clinic! 

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