Protocol prosthesis: indications and contraindications

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Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

Did you know that prosthetic treatment protocol is one of the most effective for tooth replacement? It delivers a quality result and promotes the patient's oral rehabilitation, both aesthetically and functionally.

The dental protocol prosthesis has precise indications and contraindications and knowing them helps you know whether or not you can carry out the procedure. Below, we present the recommendations and talk more about the treatment. Continue reading and find out!

What is the protocol prosthesis?

The protocol prosthesis is a treatment for aesthetic dentistry and oral rehabilitation. Its purpose is to replace natural teeth that the patient has lost for whatever reason.

It is installed on implants, which are posts made of biocompatible material such as titanium. These pieces replace the roots of the teeth and are placed in the patient's gum bone through safe surgery.

This is a solution that differs from classic dentures, as it is attached to dental implants. With this, the patient guarantees greater stability in use, preventing the prosthesis from slipping, among other benefits.

Types of dental protocol

When the patient decides to undergo treatment, they will find two types of dental protocol prosthesis: one made with resin and another made of ceramic. And what is the best option?

In reality, both materials are good alternatives, worth the investment. However, they have some important differences that can help you choose the one that best meets your needs and expectations.

The resin protocol prosthesis, for example, has the advantage of a more affordable price. However, it has some disadvantages such as less durability and greater susceptibility to color changes.

Furthermore, the resin prosthesis may lose its shine over time and may require more frequent maintenance to keep it in good condition.

The ceramic protocol prosthesis is more durable and does not suffer changes in color and brightness as time progresses. However, its price is subtly higher.

When choosing, consider the cost-benefit of each type of prosthesis. If you are still in doubt, consult a dentist to clarify it and obtain better guidance.


Treatment indications and contraindications

The protocol prosthesis is recommended for those who have lost all their teeth. To replace them, the patient places dental implants in strategic points and subsequently installs the prosthesis, which is fixed to the pins.

Regarding contraindication, there are two main ones. One of them is not having your oral health up to date. If there is a problem, such as infections, it is recommended to treat it and then focus on the implants and prosthetic protocol.

Another contraindication is when the patient has considerable dental bone loss. In practice, this means that the bone on which the implant is supported does not have an adequate structure to receive the titanium post.

When this happens, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure, because the implant will not integrate properly, which could compromise the treatment result.

But if the patient has dental bone loss, there is no need to give up treatment! It is possible to do it, but it is necessary to go through a procedure first, which is the graft. He will replace bone mass, enabling the placement of the implant.

How does dental protocol treatment work?

The treatment consists of different stages, one of which is the evaluation consultation. In it, the dentist makes the diagnosis and checks the possibility of treatment with implants and prosthesis. 

You can also order imaging tests to assess whether the patient has bone loss and whether a graft is necessary. It also checks whether there is a need for other treatments to eliminate oral health problems.

Then, there is the implant placement stage, which occurs through quick and painless surgery. The dentist uses local anesthesia, which prevents the patient from feeling pain during the procedure.

After the implant is placed, the patient enters the pin's osseointegration period, which can last a few months. After this process and the creation of the prosthesis, it is now possible to install it, which is done in the dentist's office.

What are the advantages of protocol prosthesis?

The protocol prosthesis has special advantages, especially in comparison to conventional dentures. Below, you will find out what the main ones are and understand why it is worth making this investment in your smile:

1. Stability

The protocol prosthesis is fixed to the dental implant, which guarantees greater stability when speaking, smiling and chewing. This means that it does not move and there is no risk of it escaping from the mouth, avoiding embarrassing situations.

2. Absence of pain and bruises

When using a protocol prosthesis, the patient does not face pain or bruises when chewing. There are no such problems because the prosthesis is more comfortable and compact, providing more pleasant use, with quick adaptation.

3. Zero dietary restrictions

With the protocol prosthesis, the patient has zero dietary restrictions, so much so that they can chew hard foods more easily. Because the prosthesis is fixed, it makes it easier to cut and chew food, which prevents you from going without consuming something you really like.

4. Long lasting

Another differential of the dental protocol is its long durability, as the prosthesis is made with resistant materials. Therefore, it has a longer lifespan than conventional dentures.

5. Recovery of oral functions

One of the great advantages of the treatment is the possibility of recovering the patient's oral functions, especially chewing and speaking. As a result, a higher quality of life is guaranteed.

6. Perfect smile

With treatment, the patient can finally have the perfect smile they always dreamed of, without flaws. Placing a fixed prosthesis makes it possible to regain self-esteem, in addition to impacting your communication skills, making it easier and more confident to do so.

Protocol prosthesis in Rio de Janeiro

Are you interested in doing the prosthesis protocol in Rio de Janeiro? OdontoLiuzzi is the best dental clinic to serve you! We provide humanized care and personalize treatment to offer the best result for the patient.

Furthermore, we have a qualified team, we use advanced technologies and excellent materials. Schedule your appointment and get the prosthetic protocol done with experts!

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Protocol prosthesis: indications and contraindications

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