Orthodontic appliance guide: know everything about it!

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Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

Orthodontic appliances have undergone a great evolution. The basic concepts and first models were improved over time and, today, with the exploration of new materials and the use of technology, the treatment has become even more efficient and comfortable.

New types of tools were developed, which allowed an attractive price variation, catering to different purchasing power in function of more accessible budgets.

However, something important to point out to the patient is that he does not buy the device itself, he buys the treatment. The device is a dentist's work tool, not a medicine for the patient.

This information is very valid, because knowing how much it costs to place the orthodontic device is usually one of the concerns of patients. However, it is not about acquiring the device, but the treatment that will be done using a certain device.

After an evaluation of the patient, the orthodontist indicates the options that meet the needs of that person. It is often possible to use more than one device, so you are free to choose the one you prefer.

Therefore, knowing the types of orthodontic braces can help you make a better decision. Next, we show the options available on the market and their characteristics!

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It is a conventional model composed of brackets that are glued to the teeth. It also has other parts, such as the bow or wire, the bands, the famous rubber bands, elastics, among other structures adopted as needed.

The fixed appliance is indicated when the patient has already left the growth phase. The goal is to correct the relationship between the teeth and also their position at the base of the bones.

Therefore, this device is indicated for when the problems have already settled, and can be used by teenagers and adults. The advantage is that there is more than one model to choose from, as you can see below!

Orthodontic Appliance Guide - Fixed Appliance










The metallic fixed appliance is the most popular device. It has a silvery hue characteristic of the metal used to make it. Its advantage is to provide a more affordable treatment and attend to different cases, from the simplest to the most complex.

Another advantage is its functionality, which does not lose anything to the others and is extremely efficient, restoring the aesthetics and mechanics of the smile.


It is also composed of brackets and is glued to the teeth, but the difference is the type of material used for its manufacture. We can use polycarbonate, porcelain or sapphire. Its hue is similar to tooth enamel, or the brackets are transparent; therefore, the device is more discreet in the mouth.

Of these options, the most affordable is polycarbonate, a type of plastic. Porcelain comes next, with an excellent cost-benefit ratio, as it is durable and its color does not change over time. At the top of the list is sapphire, which requires a higher budget.


It is an option for those who want a more discreet treatment. The lingual braces are made up of metallic brackets, but the difference in relation to the conventional braces is that the pieces are glued to the inner face of the teeth, which is in contact with the tongue. The lingual appliance remains hidden throughout the treatment and does not affect the smile.


The self-ligating device is also found in the aesthetic version. It contains brackets and the orthodontic archwire, but with the difference that you don't need rubber bands to hold the archwire. The bracket itself has a passage for it, interconnecting each of these pieces. Its budget is slightly higher than that of common aesthetic appliances.


mobile device

The mobile device is the device that just fits in the teeth and can be removed from the mouth by the patient. It has the advantage of being stored during meals and at the time of oral hygiene, facilitating these day-to-day activities.

It can be used at different times during orthodontic treatment, as there is more than one model. Therefore, its value also varies depending on the type chosen. Find out below!

Orthodontic appliance guide - mobile appliance










It is used at the beginning of orthodontic treatment to expand the palate (roof of the mouth) when the patient has little space in the oral cavity. With it, we increase the space to be able to move and position the teeth properly.


As the retention phase is a passive phase of orthodontic treatment, it is possible to use a mobile appliance. It is similar to the expander, with the difference that it remains static. It only fulfills the role of preventing the teeth from moving to the position they were before, as we explained.

The containment device can be made of metal and a type of plastic, but it is also possible to use the transparent aligner at this stage of treatment. It is also a type of mobile device, but we will explain it in detail in the next topic.


clear aligner

Also known as an invisible device, this device, according to experts, is made of a material that is both hard and malleable. It has the great differential of being totally transparent, bringing zero impact to your image.

The aligner is custom made for each person and fits perfectly in the dental arches. Its appearance is similar to the plates used to treat bruxism, or the trays used in at-home tooth whitening.

Orthodontic Braces Guide - Invisalign Clear Aligner


It is free of brackets, archwires, elastics, rubbers and any other component of conventional appliances. Therefore, it provides a more comfortable treatment, since there is less friction with the mucous membranes.

Treatment with this orthodontic appliance is planned using computer software. With these programs, and based on the images collected from the patient's oral and facial structure, the specialist simulates how the movements should happen. This way, you can visualize how the result will look.

It is what is most modern and predictable in dentistry, since with this simulation we minimize possible errors that occur in conventional treatments. Because of all this added technology, this is the orthodontic device that needs a bigger investment.

Check our article What is the difference between aligners and braces?.


How long does the treatment with the orthodontic device last?

This is another important question for anyone who needs orthodontic treatment and is afraid of spending several years with the device. However, it is not possible to say exactly how long the treatment lasts. This is because it is personalized for each person and varies according to aspects, such as:

• case complexity;
• type of device chosen;
• patient compliance;
• body response;
• experience of the orthodontist;
• attendance at maintenance appointments;
• take care of the device.

Even so, the most complex cases can last about 3 years. When using a self-ligating device, for example, a treatment that would last 3 to 4 years using traditional fixed equipment can be reduced to 2 years or 1 year and a half.

When the patient has the opportunity to undergo the treatment in two stages, including preventive orthodontics, the second stage, when the actual corrections come, lasts for a shorter time.

Therefore, the variation is very large and depends on several factors. To get an estimate, you need to go through the evaluation of the orthodontist, in order to verify your needs and the ideal type of device.

Check our article 7 ways to avoid delays in orthodontic treatment.


How to choose the best type of device?

We cannot say which is the best orthodontic device, because they all have their efficiency and have different indications. Therefore, the best model is the one that meets your needs.

As we explained, you can have more than one option. To choose the best type it is important to consider some factors, namely:

• cost-effectiveness of the device;
• estimated duration of treatment;
• comfort that the device offers;
• added technology;
• need or desire to preserve aesthetics;
• practicality in everyday life.

With the support of a good orthodontist, it will be easier to define the ideal appliance. Talk to him talking about your expectations, your lifestyle, your routine, among other details that can influence the success of the treatment for you to make the best decision.


What is the ideal age to use braces?

There are different types of orthodontics, which make it possible to monitor a patient from childhood, prevent complex problems, perform early interventions and correct problems that are already installed.

Thus, there is a wide range of techniques for performing orthodontic treatments and, as we show throughout the article, there is a good diversity of devices. Due to these developments in orthodontics, the ideal age to wear braces is at any time in your life.

From children who still have milk teeth to elderly people can have the treatment. Even here at OdontoLiuzzi, we serve patients in their 60s and 70s, with excellent results for them as well.

There is a belief that the device is indicated only for children and adolescents, but this is not true. It turns out that adults often get used to the problems that have accompanied them since childhood or are afraid to invest in treatment, which is why they don't always go to the orthodontist.

However, as the organism ages, there is a loss of tissues that support the teeth, and this can form or exacerbate gaps and misalignments. This is one of the reasons adults seek treatment.

Aesthetics are one of the main reasons why adults undergo orthodontic treatment. Even having completed their development, these patients achieve their goals; and with the advantage of having aesthetic devices that do not affect the appearance.


How does device maintenance work?

The maintenance of orthodontic appliances consists of adjusting the arch, the name given to the “thread” that passes through the brackets. This process is also called “tightening the braces” and its function is to make the alignment of the teeth have the desired progression.

That is, as your teeth line up, you will need to adjust the force applied for the movement to continue. The frequency with which maintenance is carried out depends a lot on each case and will therefore be personalized for your treatment. So, always take your doubts with the professional responsible for your orthodontic follow-up.


What are the precautions after installing the device?

For orthodontic treatment to be successful, especially when a fixed device is used, it is necessary to take some precautions after installation. See which are the main ones!

Maintain good hygiene

Those who use fixed braces have a greater propensity for the formation of bacterial plaque because the parts of the device favor the accumulation of waste. Thus, good hygiene is essential to prevent the proliferation of bacteria and possible cavities (yes, they arise when you use orthodontic braces and don't take care of yourself!). Don't forget that hygiene involves brushing and flossing, combined?

Adapt some eating habits

To avoid damage to the device, it is interesting to adjust some eating habits. This is the case, for example, of cutting harder foods into small pieces instead of biting them. It is also preferable to avoid those that can adhere to the brackets, such as soft candies and fibrous fruits.

avoid bad habits

Habits such as biting your nails, opening pots using your teeth and biting objects can cause damage to parts of the orthodontic device, or cause the brackets to come loose. This causes delays in treatment and a need to return early to the dentist for emergency maintenance.

attend appointments

Maintenance consultations will be scheduled to monitor the evolution of the treatment and make adjustments to the device. Be sure to attend to keep moving stimuli. Also, make periodic appointments to clean up, okay? After all, they are also important to prevent cavities.


What are the advantages of using orthodontic braces?

We explain that the orthodontic device has the function of correcting problems that affect aesthetics and impair the functionality of the dental arches. Therefore, the advantages of using this device involve appearance, health and quality of life.

As for aesthetic appreciation, today, we seek to understand and take care of the various aspects of the human being to provide a condition of full health and well-being. Factors linked to emotions, acceptance of one's own image and social interaction are points that interfere with the individual's well-being, and, thus, with his health.

The orthodontic device provides this care for the patient so that he is satisfied with his appearance, which generates positive impacts on different aspects of his life. Health is also improved with the device because of the functional improvements it promotes.

At OdontoLiuzzi, we seek to understand and correct the positions of the teeth in the arches and the relationship between the arches, that is, the upper and lower arches. With this, we avoid problems such as:

• favoring dysfunctions in the temporomandibular joint;
• wear on tooth enamel;
• sensitivity due to wear;
• periodontium overload;
• symptoms such as headache and face pain.

Organic health is also favored because chewing improves — and a lot! Maceration of food takes place more adequately and the digestive system is able to make better use of nutrients.

As for oral health, the orthodontic device contributes to more efficient hygiene. In symmetrical teeth, the bristles of the brush better clean the enamel and make it easier to floss. In this way, we avoid common problems such as cavities and gum inflammation, which lead to dental complications.


What are the myths and truths about braces and treatment?

What can make many people reluctant to start orthodontic treatment are the myths surrounding the procedure and braces. Let's tell you what is true or not about some information that circulates around!

You can't eat what you like

MYTH. You don't have to put aside your favorite foods. It is only necessary to make some adaptations, as explained. Try to feed so that the impact is lesser for the device during chewing.

Orthodontics is expensive

MYTH. Questioning how much it costs to put on orthodontic braces is quite common - many people even give up before going to the dentist. But you saw that there is a wide variety of devices today; therefore, budgets are very varied. Not to mention that professionals and clinics have offered several options for paying for treatment to make it more affordable.

Is it possible to speed up the treatment

TRUE. By opting for devices with more modern technology, such as the self-ligating device and the clear aligner, it is possible to speed up movements and achieve results in less time.

Check our article 7 ways to avoid delays in orthodontic treatment.

The tighter the device, the more efficient it will be.

MYTH. There is a widespread idea that the device is something that brings pain and discomfort and that these sensations are linked to the success of the treatment. It's a lie! The whole process should be as comfortable as possible and, of course, progressive. There is no need to tighten the structure to make it work faster.

It is better to start using braces in childhood

TRUE. During childhood (and much of adolescence), it is much easier to induce tooth movement. This happens due to bone consolidation, which has not yet fully occurred in younger people. In adults, the bones are more "firm", but the teeth can still be moved with the correct use of the braces.

You can't use dental floss with braces

MYTH. In the case of those who use fixed braces, it may be a little more difficult to use common dental floss, but there are those with rods that facilitate the insertion of the wire between the brackets, making this task simpler.

Getting treatment in adolescence is easier

TRUE. In childhood and adolescence, bones are developing, so the body's response can be faster compared to an adult. However, the results are also influenced by your commitment.

There are people who use more than one device

TRUE. As we explained, the treatment can consist of different stages. Some patients use a palatal expander, others use a mobile device to guide the growth of the teeth, a fixed device or aligner, and a retainer. Everything is customized as needed.

Wearing braces hurts

MYTH. Discomfort can happen when the device is adjusted or the aligner is changed, stimulating new movements. However, this usually does not last more than three days. Afterwards, you don't even realize you're using the device.


Why is OdontoLiuzzi a great option for braces?

There are several clinics to make your orthodontic treatment and many professionals specialized in this area. But in the OdontoLiuzzi, you can achieve total satisfaction with the aesthetic and functional results.

That's because the OdontoLiuzzi specializes in orthodontics, among other areas of dentistry, and offers different techniques for carrying out orthodontic treatment. It also offers personalized care for each patient, with attention to their needs and expectations.

In addition, you will find an excellent cost-benefit ratio and facilities to pay for your treatment, which allows access to cutting-edge technology at a price that fits in your pocket.

These are just some of the differences OdontoLiuzzi, a clinic that also has highly qualified professionals with training in humanized dentistry. Here, you will always be first!

Now that you've discovered how the orthodontic device works, you've seen the existing models, the necessary care and you already know that there is no age limit to start a treatment, don't leave yours for tomorrow. The sooner you correct the position of your teeth, the better to ensure care for your oral health, self-esteem and quality of life.

Contact us and schedule your appointment!

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