What to do when the wisdom tooth is lying down

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Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

What to do when the wisdom tooth is lying down? 

Anyone who has had a toothache knows how much it bothers, right? However, it often reveals a cavity, hypersensitivity or even the birth of a lying wisdom tooth. The wisdom tooth, as it is popularly called, still raises many questions about how to treat it in the most appropriate way.

The big question is the wisdom tooth being born lying down, which makes the process a little more complex. But do not worry! In this article, we will explain everything about the symptoms of wisdom teeth lying down, when surgery is needed and other points. Check it out below!

Why do wisdom teeth grow lying down?

When the wisdom tooth is born lying down, it means that it is included or semi-included. This usually happens when there is not enough space for the proper positioning of the tooth in the dental arch, that is, there is no natural eruption of that tooth.

Another situation that usually leads to the horizontal positioning of this tooth is when it is lying inside the jaw bone. Usually, this also happens when there is not enough space for it to be born.

Is it necessary to extract the wisdom tooth lying down?

It is not always necessary to perform the extraction procedure. The lying wisdom tooth can indeed be indicated for extraction (extraction), but this will depend on the evaluation of the case.

Non-extraction can be an alternative if the patient does not want to undergo the procedure or when it represents a risk, which may cause adverse effects during surgery (such as paresthesia, that is, lack of sensitivity, similar to the sensation of anesthesia, but which can be transitory or permanent).

The patient has the option of keeping the tooth, but must undergo radiographic control with a certain frequency to be aware of occurrences such as a dentigerous cyst.

It is worth mentioning that this cyst usually appears between the lower wisdom teeth. He is responsible for forming a bag of clear liquid around the crown of the tooth (which is the top), being allocated in the jaw. It is very important to remove it so that it does not evolve into other problems.

Therefore, we recommend that young people aged between 15 and 18 make an evaluation with the dentist, who will request x-rays, even before the wisdom tooth comes in, in order to check whether or not it will be necessary to perform the extraction.

At this age, the roots are not calcified next to the bones, facilitating removal. After the age of 30, on the other hand, the bone structure is already formed, so the process becomes more complicated.

What consequences can the lying wisdom tooth cause?

You saw that not everyone needs to extract the wisdom tooth lying down, but there are cases where this procedure is very necessary because it can bring severe complications for oral and even organic health.

Whether for fear of the dentist or the surgical technique, some people end up putting this issue aside and living with the problem as long as possible. However, this is not a good decision, because, as we explained, the sooner the extraction is done, the simpler it will be, especially if performed during adolescence.

It is true that some care is needed after extracting the wisdom tooth, but you will receive all the support from the dentist and recovery will happen in a short time. Also, undergoing the procedure can save you a lot of headache in the future.

Below we list three problems that can happen if you have an indication for extraction and do not perform the procedure.


When the wisdom tooth begins to be born, it makes room for the gum. In this process, tissues are naturally injured, but pericoronitis can occur. This infection affects the pericoronal hood, that is, the portion of gum on top of the tooth. Meet our specialty Periodontics. 

emergence of cavities

Wisdom teeth are more difficult to clean, even when they are born without any problems. After all, they are positioned very deep in the mouth, at the end of the dental arch, and it is often difficult for the brush to reach. Therefore, they are naturally more susceptible to cavities.

In the case of a lying wisdom tooth, this susceptibility is even greater. As he is poorly positioned, it is even more complicated to carry out his hygiene the right way, so the bacterial plate builds up more easily and carious injuries appear.

tooth crowding

When the wisdom tooth begins to grow lying down, the tendency is for it to move towards the neighboring tooth, pushing the entire arch. As a consequence, misalignments and crowding can occur, when one tooth overlaps the other. Therefore, only one tooth can compromise the entire aesthetics of your smile and the fit of the arches.

Destruction of adjacent roots

As we explained in the last topic, one of the biggest problems with the lying wisdom tooth is the fact that it grows towards the adjacent tooth. Depending on how this element is positioned, it can compromise the roots of nearby teeth, causing their destruction.

Periodontal diseases and problems

Periodontal tissues are those that surround the teeth and are responsible for keeping them attached to the mouth. The lying wisdom tooth can harm these tissues and lead to the development of various diseases and problems.

One of them, we have already explained, is pericoronitis, but abscesses, cysts or even tumors can also form in the gums and bones surrounding the impacted tooth.

One detail that we cannot forget is that the inflammations and infections that affect the oral structures are not restricted to the mouth. These frames favor the proliferation of bacteria and they can migrate through the bloodstream, reaching other organs and parts of the organism. There is a risk of causing severe infections that compromise organic health.

Is lying wisdom tooth surgery more complex?

The surgical complexity varies, not necessarily the lying tooth is the most difficult to be removed during the procedure. What raises the level of difficulty are the torn roots, the depth at which the tooth is located.

Another factor that complicates the process is that the lying wisdom tooth, which was born that way, is almost always covered by bone. This condition requires a much more careful procedure on the part of the professional, who will need to draw up a detailed plan for the surgery. This preparation includes everything from the cut site to the need for a graft, in case it is necessary to perform some type of intervention on the bone.

What are the precautions before and after the surgery?

If you have a lying wisdom tooth that needs to be removed, know that you will need to take some care before and after surgery. Next, we explain what the pre- and post-operative procedures are.

pre-surgical care

Preoperative medications include the use of prophylactic antibiotic therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, in some cases, corticosteroids. But all of them will be prescribed by your dentist, ok?

Before the surgery, it is recommended that you have a good night's sleep, eat a lighter diet and use calming medications, if indicated by a professional.

post-surgical care

The wisdom postoperative period will depend a lot on each patient and also on the complexity of the procedure. An intervention to remove a root can sometimes have a more uncomfortable aftertaste than a wisdom tooth.

Postoperative guidelines include:

  • avoid physical exertion;
  • do not eat very hot food, giving preference to the coldest or at room temperature;
  • make ice packs on the operated side right after surgery;
  • do not use mouthwash;
  • keep the head in a higher position than the body;
  • avoid spitting bloody saliva;
  • do not sunbathe.

But does not stop there. We also have post-surgery medication for the lying wisdom tooth, which includes continued use of non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in some cases (always with your dentist's prescription).

In addition to medicines, in the first few days it is important to remember to consume softer foods and reinforce oral hygiene to prevent bacteria from proliferating and hindering your recovery.

What are the needs of wisdom tooth extraction for orthodontics?

The removal of the wisdom tooth, as long as it is not accompanied by any complication, does not cause relevant and/or negative alterations in the bone bases. In addition, orthodontic correction can benefit from the indication of wisdom tooth extraction.

After all, the lack of space for wisdom tooth eruption can lead to crowding in the arcade. Without its removal, the mechanics chosen during orthodontic movement may not be as efficient.

So, when using wisdom tooth extraction during orthodontic treatment, it can help to increase the effectiveness of the final result of your smile aesthetics.

How to choose the right dentist for this extraction?

To perform the procedure, you need to look for a clinic that has professionals from all areas. Thus, in addition to determining the correct need for tooth extraction, the professional will be able to perform other more complex surgeries, if necessary, offering all the support for your recovery.

Odonto Liuzzi, which is a reference in service, has specialist dentists in the most diverse areas, with extensive experience in quality consultations and special care. Therefore, we are an excellent alternative for those who are apprehensive about how to deal with oral health and want humanized care.

Whether you have a wisdom tooth lying down or not, know that the most important thing is to go to the dentist with a certain frequency to keep your oral health up to date and evaluate your wisdom teeth to find out if extraction is necessary or not. As you have seen, the procedure requires a lot of care and nothing better than relying on an experienced professional to provide quality care.

Now that you know what to do with a wisdom tooth emerging lying down, get in touch with us to schedule an appointment and evaluate your dentition.

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What to do when the wisdom tooth is lying down

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