Discover the main benefits of cosmetic dentistry

Dentist making dental contact lenses
Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

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Cosmetic dentistry is an ally when it comes to transforming smiles, improving the patient's self-esteem. But that's not the only benefit of this specialty!

In this article, you will discover the main benefits of cosmetic dentistry and the treatments available in this specialty. Continue reading and find out why it is worth taking care of the aesthetics of your smile!

Happy smiling woman with cosmetic dentistry treatment


What is aesthetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a specialty of dentistry that aims to improve the appearance of a patient's smile. It may involve procedures that correct imperfections in the teeth and gums, ensuring the perfect smile you've always dreamed of.

Although the focus is on the aesthetics of the smile, that is, its appearance, treatments can, in some cases, improve oral function. This is the case with orthodontic treatment, which aligns the teeth and corrects the bite.

Another good example is dental contact lenses and dental veneers, when they are used to correct imperfections in the shape and size of teeth. This makes it possible to restructure them and make them functional.


What are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry treatments provide special benefits to patients, which is why they are in high demand and are well worth the investment. Here are the main ones:


1. Improved appearance of teeth

Cosmetic dentistry makes it possible to improve the appearance of teeth, correcting problems such as stains, yellowing, misaligned or worn teeth. Treatments such as resin or porcelain veneers deliver these results, making the smile more harmonious and beautiful.


2. Increased self-esteem and self-confidence

Having a beautiful smile impacts the patient's self-esteem and self-confidence, as the person feels more confident about their own image. This makes it easier for them to communicate and smile.

This is important because it brings advantages in both professional and personal spheres, as you will have more confidence when speaking and smiling in public. This way, you will be able to make the most of all the opportunities that arise, without feeling inhibited.


3. Positive impact on oral health

Although the focus of treatments in this specialty is on aesthetics, they also contribute to the patient's oral health. Correcting misaligned teeth, excessive wear or missing teeth can lead to chewing problems and headaches.

Cosmetic dentistry allows these problems to be corrected and oral function to be rehabilitated, thus contributing to oral health. In addition, when seeking a dentist specializing in cosmetic dentistry, he or she will perform a general assessment of the patient's oral health, indicating the need for preliminary treatments before performing cosmetic procedures.


4. Facial rejuvenation

Some cosmetic dentistry treatments provide significant facial rejuvenation, especially those focused on oral rehabilitation. This allows you to reflect a more rested, healthy and vibrant image.


5. Well-being and contribution to general health

Having an impeccable smile gives the patient a greater sense of well-being. Furthermore, a perfect smile and oral health go hand in hand. And if your oral health is up to date, this is much better for your overall health.

This way, it is possible to chew correctly, contributing to proper digestion. It is also possible to avoid pain during chewing or speaking, among other problems. Therefore, there is a direct impact on quality of life.


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Main cosmetic dentistry treatments

The specialty of cosmetic dentistry is made up of several treatments that allow incredible transformations to the smile of patients. Check out some of the main ones:


1. Teeth whitening

This is a procedure that removes stains and discolorations from teeth, as well as eliminating or reducing the yellow tone that appears over the years. With teeth whitening, your smile becomes brighter!

There is home teeth whitening, which is done at home under the guidance of a dentist, as well as in-office whitening. In the latter case, it is possible to do laser teeth whitening, which delivers excellent results in just a few sessions.


2. Dental veneers and contact lenses

Both are treatments that correct imperfections in the color, size and shape of teeth. In general, dental veneers correct minor imperfections, while veneers treat more complex problems.

They have the advantage of delivering fast, long-lasting results in just a few sessions. All this without compromising on naturalness!


3. Aesthetic orthodontics

A aesthetic orthodontics is dedicated to aligning teeth using invisible dental braces. The treatment makes the smile much more beautiful and pleasant, in addition to bringing harmony and beauty to the face. 

It also helps prevent tooth loss, chronic muscle and joint pain, helping the patient to have a better quality of life.


Cosmetic dentistry in Rio de Janeiro

Looking for dental treatments in Rio de Janeiro to transform your smile? Then schedule an evaluation appointment at Odonto Liuzzi, which has a complete and modern structure to serve you!

Our team has qualified dentists and we provide personalized care, focused on providing the best experience for the patient. Count on these differences!


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>>>> The benefits of cosmetic dentistry for self-esteem

>>>> What is Aesthetic Dentistry?

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