How long do dental contact lenses last?

Dentist making dental contact lenses
Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

Dental contact lenses are the perfect solution for having the perfect smile! With them, it is possible to standardize the color, size and shape of your teeth, making your smile harmonious and more beautiful, in order to regain your self-esteem.

Those who still don't know this treatment in depth usually have a question: after all, how long do dental contact lenses last? Here, we answer that question once and for all and talk more about the procedure. Follow and find out!

young man choosing dental contact lenses

What are dental contact lenses?

Dental lens is an aesthetic dental treatment that focuses on improving the appearance of teeth, correcting small imperfections.

To do this, he uses very thin prostheses, usually made with resin or porcelain. They are placed over the natural tooth, “hiding” problems with color, size and shape.

The result of dental contact lenses is an aligned and harmonious smile, which is capable of restoring the patient's self-esteem. The best? In just a few sessions and for a long term, paying off the investment!

Who is the treatment indicated for?

The use of dental lenses is recommended to correct specific problems, such as color irregularities. With the prosthesis, it is possible to guarantee a bright smile, with a uniform color.

Dental contact lenses are also perfect for correcting chipped, worn or fractured teeth, including closing diastemas, which are spaces between teeth that should be close together.

Just like any aesthetic dental treatment, dental lenses have limitations. To place the dentures, the patient must have a recommendation from a dentist, be in good oral health and have the entire dental structure already developed (therefore, only adults can do it).

Dental contact lenses: discover the main advantages

Aesthetic dental treatment has become one of the most desired, especially due to its power to transform the smile in an expressive way. However, this is not the only advantage of dental contact lenses. Check out others below:

1. Significant smile improvement

The procedure stands out for providing a significant improvement in the smile, correcting imperfections that bother the patient, especially in the color, size and shape of the teeth.

By carrying it out, it is possible to have a clearer and brighter smile, without yellow tones or stains. Furthermore, you can correct height, wear, gaps between teeth, all simply and in just a few sessions.

2. Preservation of teeth

There are those who are afraid to undergo the treatment because they think that it is necessary to carry out intense wear on their natural teeth. However, this does not apply to dental contact lenses.

The treatment preserves the patient's dental structure. In practice, this means that you can return to the appearance of your teeth if you are interested, simply by removing the dentures.

3. Immediate results

The procedure differs from others because it provides immediate results, that is, it is not necessary to go through several sessions. Therefore, it is perfect for those who are in a hurry to see results and are recommended to undergo the treatment.

4. Non-invasive and pain-free treatment

Don't have dental treatments because you're afraid of feeling pain? So, there is good news: placing dental contact lenses is not invasive. There is no need for anesthesia and the patient does not feel pain.

5. Damage resistance and long durability

Don't be confused by the thin thickness of the lenses. When made with quality material, by specialist professionals, they are resistant to damage and last a long time.

How long do dental contact lenses last?

The durability of dental lenses may vary depending on the material of the prosthetics. In general, resin dental contact lenses are less durable than porcelain dental contact lenses.

The average duration is at least 10 years, but this can also vary depending on the care the patient adopts. Bad habits can affect the longevity of prosthetics, reducing their durability.

Do you want to make your dentures last as long as possible? Therefore, it is essential to follow the dentist's instructions, especially regarding maintenance and care to avoid damage to the lenses.

How to care for dental contact lenses?

What, in practice, are the precautions you can take to maximize the useful life of dental lenses? Below, we present the main ones so that you know and know how to act:

Oral hygiene

Hygiene is essential to avoid damaging the prostheses. Therefore, always brush your teeth after meals, which will help not only remove food remains, but also dye residues that can stain dentures.

Food care

After placing dental lenses, it is important to be careful with your diet. It is recommended that you avoid frequent intake of very hard foods, to minimize the risk of breaking your dentures.

Furthermore, it is recommended that you avoid the constant consumption of foods and drinks that have intense natural or artificial colors. Remember that the denture is also susceptible to color changes. Therefore, you may get stains over time, especially if you regularly consume foods and drinks with strong dyes.

Can't stay away from foods and drinks with dyes? Therefore, you need to take extra care with your lenses, brushing your teeth after consumption, to prevent pigments from accumulating on the dentures.

Do not bite objects and bite nails

There are patients who have the habit of biting objects (such as straws and pens) and biting their nails, which can damage the dentures, dislodge them or take them off, compromising their smile and requiring constant replacement. Therefore, it is recommended that you abandon this habit.

Regular dentist appointments

Another essential care that the patient must take is to have regular visits to the dentist. On these occasions, the professional will be able to identify any irregularities and the need for treatment, helping to keep the patient's smile always beautiful.

OdontoLiuzzi has dentist Rio de Janeiro highly qualified to assist you, both in the placement of dental contact lenses and in follow-up, ensuring personalized and humanized service. Schedule your appointment and transform your smile with us!

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How long do dental contact lenses last?

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