Bruxism and TMD: understand the relationship and how to alleviate symptoms

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Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

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Bruxism and TMD reduce the patient's quality of life, in addition to compromising oral health and the aesthetics of the smile. Interestingly, these two conditions may be related.

In this article, we talk about the relationship between bruxism and TMD, and you will learn tips to alleviate the symptoms of these conditions, ensuring a better quality of life. Let's check it out together?

The image shows a person suffering from bruxism.


Bruxism: what it is and how it affects your oral health

Bruxism is a condition in which a person has the involuntary habit of grinding or clenching their teeth. This is usually done while sleeping, but it can also happen while awake.

The cause of bruxism is multifactorial and triggers can include stress and anxiety, as well as misaligned teeth and sleep disorders. The main signs of the condition are:

  • Tooth wear, which becomes shorter or may break;
  • Increased sensitivity of teeth to heat, cold and sweets;
  • Headache and/or facial pain, which is worse upon waking.


DTM: find out what it is

TMD is Temporomandibular Dysfunction, which affects the temporomandibular joint, which is responsible for chewing, speaking and opening the mouth. The symptoms of TMD are numerous, but usually include:

  • Pain in the jaw, ear and neck region;
  • Popping or crackling noise when moving the jaw;
  • Difficulty opening and closing the mouth.

The condition can have several causes, such as bruxism, stress and anxiety, trauma to the jaw region, systemic diseases, genetic factors, crooked teeth, among others.


What is the relationship between bruxism and TMD?

Now that you know the details about both conditions, one question remains: what is the relationship between bruxism and TMD? Bruxism causes an overload on the temporomandibular joint, leading to TMD.

Temporomandibular dysfunction, in turn, can worsen bruxism. Therefore, the relationship between the conditions is cyclical, one stimulating or worsening the other, depending on the patient's case.

In treatment, dentists adopt an approach that considers bruxism and TMD. Those who have the disorder need to be evaluated to determine whether they have bruxism and vice versa. This prevents the development or worsening of both.


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Learn how to treat and alleviate symptoms

O TMD treatment and bruxism may vary depending on the patient's case. Below, you can see some of the main approaches to treating these problems:


TMD Treatments

Treatment varies depending on the cause and the patient's symptoms. The approach may involve the use of bite plates and orofacial physiotherapy sessions, which strengthen and relax the muscles in the region. 

Another possibility is to correct the bite using specific devices. A dentist specializing in TMD may also recommend the use of medication to relieve pain.

Surgery may be recommended in more severe cases or when conservative treatment has not had the desired effect. It is usually the last resort.


Bruxism treatment

This may include the use of muscle relaxant splints, which relieve pressure on the jaw joints and protect teeth from wear and fractures.

The use of medication is another treatment option, as is the application of botulinum toxin, or the famous Botox. This substance reduces muscle strength in the region and alleviates the symptoms of bruxism.

In the treatment of both TMD and bruxism, it is possible to adopt complementary therapies that can have a positive impact. Relaxation techniques, such as meditation, are welcome, as well as sleep hygiene, acupuncture, among others.


Are the treatments safe and effective?

Yes, treatments are safe and effective, as long as they are indicated and performed by a dentist who specializes in TMD. A qualified professional is able to analyze the patient's case, indicate the best approach and perform the treatments with excellence.

The results do not appear immediately, but in the medium and long term it is possible to see significant improvement. If the patient receives botulinum toxin, for example, it takes about two weeks for the muscle relaxation effect to reach its peak. Therefore, stay calm and do not abandon the treatment.


How much does it cost to treat the conditions?

The price varies according to the patient's case and the treatments they require. They may need bite plates, physiotherapy, medication, among others. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a single price that applies to all patients.

To find out the exact cost of your treatment, consult a TMD dentist. The professional will assess your case and recommend the appropriate procedures, providing personalized treatment.


Dentist specializing in TMD in Rio de Janeiro

OdontoLiuzzi has TMD specialists in Rio de Janeiro, in addition to being a modern clinic with a complete structure. The highly qualified team provides personalized and humanized care, ensuring you an enchanting experience. 

In addition to treating these conditions, it also provides procedures for aesthetic orthodontics, to transform your smile. Take the opportunity to schedule an appointment!


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Bruxism and TMD: understand the relationship and how to alleviate symptoms

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