7 ways to avoid delays in orthodontic treatment:

Dentist making dental contact lenses
Dr. Natália Morales is a specialist in Endodontics, Implantology, Dental Prosthesis and 3d Dentistry and has been dedicated for 14 years to caring for patients with odontophobia. Reference in humanized care.

If the bracket comes off, go to the dentist.
When the bracket comes loose, the force is no longer transmitted and the tooth does not move and, in some cases, even returns to its original position. The device will lose effect until the next consultation.

Avoid eating hard foods
Rapadura, apple, jawbreaker or any food considered hard it is advisable that you avoid them during orthodontic treatment, as they can dent the wires or create injuries in the mouth during the process.

attend appointments
The maintenance of the orthodontic device is essential so that there is a force exerted on the tooth that generates a movement.
If the patient misses an appointment, the tooth will not move more than that specified amount.

Carelessness with hygiene
Everything we eat is accumulated in the teeth, which come together in the brackets can calcify and become tartar. Tartar between teeth can, in some situations, prevent certain dental movements (such as closing spaces), in addition to causing more friction when the tooth slides on the wire during movements. If this poor sanitization causes a cavity, the delay can get even bigger. If this occurs during treatment, we need to interrupt it and remove the bracket from that tooth so that the patient can have a restoration.

Use rubber bands correctly
It is very important that the patient is aware of the correct way to use the elastics. Incorrect use of accessories can even cause unwanted movements that will need to be corrected in the future. The little use will also result in more braces time, as the orthodontist indicates this resource precisely because it can speed up orthodontic treatment.

bad habits
Many treatments are designed to correct problems that were caused by bad habits like thumb sucking or bad swallowing. Eliminating this type of behavior is essential for the development of the orthodontic process.

Beware of containment!
The retention period after orthodontic treatment is as important as the treatment itself, as it serves to maintain the results obtained. Patients who do not use containment and do not have this follow-up may lose the results gained.

Don't waste time on your orthodontic treatment and contact Odontoliuzzi.

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7 ways to avoid delays in orthodontic treatment:

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